Chapter five

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"You don't have to believe me.. and you probably hate me now and that's okay. I just thought I shouldn't keep this from you.. after all it's a very big part of my life."
"No.. I do believe you. I remember him being frantic and panicky when he came home from work. He's also brought up the accident and he's said he feels really bad for the family he hit."
I then thought, "If he felt so bad why didn't he stay, or call an ambulance?"
"We have to get to class.." I didn't mean to sound so monotone, but I did. So now Thorn thinks I'm mad at him for his dad's actions. I keep trying to explain to him that I'm not angry, but it still affects me. I still haven't told him about the medication, maybe if I did it would help him understand. I decided to call him and tell him.
Finally, he picked up.
"Hi.. I'm not mad, and I never was.. I just wanted to say the accident is such a big part of my life because I'm going to therapy and taking sleeping medications because of it so I won't have nightmares.. and the medication is giving me hallucinations."
He was silent for the longest time.. I knew I shouldn't have told him I ruined everything.
"So you probably think I'm crazy now huh?" Still nothing. I started to tear up. "Okay then, I guess you don't even want to talk to me anymore.. bye Thorn." I hung up and sobbed into my pillow. My only friend.. I told him something I thought I could trust him with, expecting him to understand, but I just ruined everything.. For both of us. After about twenty minutes the doorbell rang. Great. Just what I need. Someone to come talk to me about fund raisers, or something stupid like that. I was home alone, so I quickly wiped away my tears and opened the door. Thorn was standing there. What is he doing here? Wasn't his silence enough? I began to cry again as I closed the door and locked it. He kept knocking and, after about half an hour he left.
I texted him 'why did you come to my house why didn't you talk over the phone? '
'Because I didn't know what to say..'
'Anything would've been nice, really.. just saying.'
'Do you want to go and get ice cream and just talk?'
'Sure I'll be home alone until late tonight.'
'Ok I'll come and pick you up in a few.'
I got ready but I felt like it wasn't real.. I wanted to curl up on a ball and sleep, not move or do anything. Just sleep. When he got ere I went outside and got in the car. I should have acted more enthusiastic because I think I started something.
"You are angry! I knew it! Why are you angry at me!?" His shouting got louder with each word. I just looked up at him in fear.
" I'm not angry.. I think it's the medication.. it's been draining my energy lately.. I'm sorry for seeming angry."
He seemed hurt at my apology. But it was the truth. He had a nice evening planned out, and I should've tried to be more enthusiastic.

*I might update again tonight because I can lol

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