Chapter six

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We entered the ice cream shop and the scent of sweetness swept over me. I got a simple chocolate an Thorn got a vanilla.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you hallucinate about?"
Oh.. I forgot we were going to talk about it.. So I answered, even though it felt physically painful to be getting so deep into the memories.
"Well usually it's my parents.. it feels and looks real.. and it seems like the accident never even happened. They'll have a conversation with me if I didn't remind myself it's not real."
He was going to say something, but I saw her. At the window. But she didn't look like she would usually.. she was covered in blood and had a deep stomach wound. Thorn could tell something was wrong by the look on my face.
"Whisper.. what's wrong?" He looked over to the window and then back at me.
"Nothing.. I think we should go.."
As we walked out I felt her hand on my shoulder. I shivered and walked faster.
"Come on let's go. Please." I said to Thorn, and even I was surprised at the anger in my voice.
"What was that about?"
"Thorn I saw her. I saw my mom. Except it was after the accident and her stomach had a gaping hole and she was covered in blood. We got to his car and I curled up in the seat crying, hoping I wouldn't see her or my dad anymore.
"Whisper, are you sure you don't want me to stay with you, even for a while?"
"No, I'm fine." I gave him a fake smile.
"Well you can call me if you need anything."
"I will."
I walked into the house and forgot I was going to be alone. I don't even know where they went. Why without me? Oh, well.
I spent the rest of the day in my room on YouTube and I fell asleep.
I was on my way to school when Thorn pulls up and asks if I want a ride. I get in his car and he stays silent, which is strange. I try to ask him how his night went but he ignored me. He kept driving, even when we got to the school.
"Hey the school's back there."
"I know." He pulled over when we got to a part if town I was unfamiliar with.
"Get out."
"You heard me. Get. Out." I didn't know whether or not to trust him.
"Why?' I wanted answers and an explanation, so I was stern, but in a nice way. "Give me a good reason and I will."
"Get. Out. Hurry." I got out, still worried and confused as to why he was making me do this. All of a sudden my parents were there. They were both covered in blood, but my dad was covered in deep gashes from when he flew through the window. I was horrified as they came up to me and asked what's wrong. "'re covered in b..blood." I was shaky and anxious. What's going on? They came up to me to give me a hug. But, as they embraced me I woke up, with my laptop still next to me. Thank god that was just a dream. I looked at the time. My grandma and Willow will be home soon. I walked to the bathroom and, as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I saw what I would look like if I didn't make it through the accident. I looked crushed. I had glass sticking out of every part of my body, even my face.
I reach for my phone and call Thorn.
"Hello?" He yawned. I heard his voice and started to cry.
"Hello I'm sorry I woke you up, b..but you said to call if I n..needed anyth..thing and I just saw what I would look if I had died in the accident too."
"Tomorrow be ready at 7 we're taking a mental health day off of school."
"Okay.. I'm gonna try and sleep now. I'll be ready when you get here."

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