Chapter two

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I'm getting ready for bed as my phone goes off. I take the pill and turn to go up the stairs but I'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, thinking it's Willow, but I'm staring into the eyes of my dad. I stay there thinking of what I could possibly do in this situation, but I just stand there. I look at his hazel-brown eyes. I study his face with tears rolling down my face. I know this is another hallucination, but it seems so real.. I reach out to hug him, but I'm stopped by his voice.
"Whisper, why are you crying?" His voice! I haven't heard it since I was 5 years old, and knowing this was a hallucination, I was surprised I could remember his soft, comforting, voice. I fell to my knees and started to sob. I miss my parents so much, but I ignore the touch of his hand as I get up to go to bed.
"It's not real, it's not real." I say this over and over until I fall asleep. When I wake up I'm relived to see I'm alone in my room. I cautiously go down the stairs, and eat breakfast before school. Seeing my parents has made me jumpy, so when Willow comes around the corner unexpectedly I jump and almost scream. Willow just laughs and continues getting ready. Everything was fine that morning.. almost. When I walked into the school I saw someone enrolling their kid. But then I saw his face. The hit and run driver.. I started to cry as I walked to my first class. I decided to keep this to myself, because who would believe me anyway? School went by okay, unless you count the fact that I saw the man who killed my parents.

*sorry it's so short I have a really good plan for part three

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