Chapter 1

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“Ahh Mr. Ly, thank you for getting here.” Julia says with a cheery smile on her face as she looks at me across the desk. The first thing I noticed when I first met her was her bright red hair.

“That’s okay.” I respond in reply, eager to find out what is so important.

“So I assume you are interested to find out about the topic so you can get started?” she says, now speaking in a more serious tone than before.

“Sure am!” I reply enthusiastically feeling privileged that she has chosen me.

“Well as you would have heard on the news we are having an influx of asylum seekers arriving in Australia.” Julia says looking at me. I nod and she continues. “We can’t keep accepting them in Australia, we are running out of space and money and have decided to turn them back to their countries.” I freeze, shocked. What? How can they not have room? What a joke! This isn’t right!  They are going to turn back people whose lives are at risk? These people are fleeing from what they fear, they have nowhere else to go, no other choice!

“Are you okay Mr. Ly?” She asks looking concerned. She must have seen my enraged look when I was in thought.

“Yes. So what exactly do you want me to write about?” There is no way I am going to be writing about asylum seekers not being able to enter the country because they should be able to!

“Well basically you will just outline the issues with them coming here and then how we will no longer be accepting ships. Here is a checklist of things you will need to write about.” She says handing me an A4 sheet of paper. I really don’t want to write about this. I’m so enraged that the Australian government is doing this.

“Alright I’ll have it done by tomorrow this time, if that’s okay for you?” I ask. I know I still have to write this speech as I need the money, like really need it. At the moment I only have enough for the necessities and I wouldn’t mind a bit for extra personal stuff like an Ipad or something.

“Yes that would be great, thanks!”

Mr Ly's Speechحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن