Chapter 4

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I finish writing the speech. I read it over and  check for mistakes but its good. I spent two hours writing it to the best I could. Feeling tired I fall asleep.


“Hello Mr. Ly!” Julia says, smiling broadly at me.

“Hello.” I say, trembling as I hand her the speech. She grabs hold of it firmly and takes it. I watch her face carefully, feeling nervous that she might read it, but as usual she doesn’t.

“Thank you Mr. Ly, I know it was such short notice but I’m sure you have done a good job.” She says with a gleaming smile. “I am running late and I must get to this conference. Bye.”


I turn channel 7 on my tiny tv, to watch her press conference. She begins reading “Hello.” She says her smile widening she looks down at the paper and begins to read the speech I had written. “Now a lot of you may have heard about the plan to turn asylum seekers away, back to their country however I am here to inform you that this will not be happening.” She looks back down at the paper frozen. The press begin to murmur. Julia continues reading the speech that I have written as she can’t stop now or she would look stupid. She finishes my speech, silence hits the room that is on TV, then loud clapping roars through the press. They cheer and clap for my speech, the speech that I wrote. I feel privileged and happy, I can’t stop smiling.


The doorbell buzzes irritatingly  while I’m watching  sunrise on TV. Who would be at my door? No one ever visits me. I get up off my old worn down couch, and walk to the door. I twist the cold metal nob and open the door. I stand there suddenly scared waiting to be yelled at. In front of me stand Julia her bright red hair  falling to chin length. But she doesn’t scream or yell. She simply says, “ Thank you Mr. Ly, Thank you for opening up my eyes.”

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