Chapter One >Meredith<

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Walking to the bus stop on Tuesday, it was just a normal day. The sun was in the sky, hidden with mist and fog. The short grass was covered in dew drops that seeped through my black converses making my socks wet and my feet cold.

The bus stop wasn’t far from my house; just around the corner and down the road and I was happy to walk it. My laptop bag was replaced with my school bag, and rather than it being empty contained; some warn clothes, runners, some minties and Tic-Tac’s (that mum had bought me yesterday) and finally my art set. The reason, you may ask, as to why I have all these things is simple: two weeks ago the teachers at my school announced that all the year tens are going camping, where? They would not say, what we would be doing? They would not say. What they did say however was that we would be staying for two weeks, to bring/wear appropriate clothes and that we would leave on the twelfth of May. Well today’s the twelfth of May and I’m ready to go.

The bus pulled up at 8:00 as normal, well maybe not normal, it’s usually late (never early). I got on, ignoring everyone including my bitch-face sister. Taking a seat by myself I put my bag down next to me so people will leave me alone, they normally do anyway but once or twice someone will try to start talking to me, but that never lasts more than three minutes, most times anyway.

I’m not completely hostile to everyone; there are a few people I get along with quite well. Leila for instance. I smiled at her as she got on the bus and sat in the seat in front of me.

“Hello.” I said adding a ‘W’ sound to the end of the word.

“Hi.” Her dark hair was tied back into a pony tail and her green sports uniform made her pale face and dark brown eyes stand out even more.

“You don’t have your laptop bag with you.” She pointed to my school bag sitting next to me.

“No, no I don’t.” I replied patting the top of my bag.

“And are you going to tell me what is inside your magic bag?”

“It’s just stuff for camp.” I explained, “Nothing interesting.”

Leila nodded thoughtfully as she stared out the window and the passing trees.  For a time no one said anything, it’s usually around this time that one of us would start making random comments to I thought I might as well start.

“Cows.” I nodded, pointing to the herd of dark brown cows in a paddock we were passing. I laughed as she glared at the passing cows.

“I hate cows.” She stated turning her head away from the window.

“Silly cows on Minecraft coming up to you and mooing in your face.” I say leaning forward so my chin was on the head rest of Leila’s seat.

“Exactly.” She exclaimed.

I smiled.

“Poor cows,” I tried my hardest to sound serious but failed epically. “As far as you know they might be friendly cows and that’s just their way of saying hi.”

“Well they can say ‘hi’ to my diamond pick axe, because I hate them.” Leila made swing motions with her arms as she hit invisible cows with her invisible pick axe.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

Leila was in year eight, but she wasn’t like all the other prissy little year eight’s that made me want to pull my hair out. No she was different.

The bus pulled into Leila’s school and came to a stop; this is where she gets off.

“C’ya when I get back from camp.” I said watching as she stood and moved into the line to get off the bus.

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