Chapter 7

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A/N POV's change a lot, sorry 
Chapter 7 (Day of the party)
"Lizbeth! I'm ready!"I yell as I finish my makeup, we're getting ready to go to the party which didn't take long considering we already had what we were wearing ready. "Let me see!" I hear her say as she walks into the room. "You look great!" We both scream at the same time causing us to laugh. "The boys should be here soon." I say as the doorbell rings, me and Lizbeth make our way to the door together to be greeted by the two boys. "You look amazing." They both say at the same time, Shawn's wearing black skinny jeans once again, a black crew neck, and a grey, unbuttoned, button up shirt. Nash was wearing a dark grey beanie, a baseball tee with grey sleeves and a beige base with a pair of cuffed, ripped jeans. They were both grungy in a way but they looked nice. "Shall we get going?", Shawn says grabbing me by my waist. Lizbeth looked at me with a smirk and I knew what she's thinking. "We shall." I say placing my hand against Shawn's cheek and smiling. We arrived at the car and the boys decided that Shawn would drive, so I sat in the passenger seat.

"So, this party," I say nervously, " there going to be a bunch of people?" "Well Nash and I are two, twenty year old boys so I'm sure there's gonna be quite a few people.", Shawn says tilting his head to the side. We finally get to the party and I can hear the music from down the street. 'Oh god' I think to myself as we finally park. I can already smell the alcohol and weed. "Let's go yeah?" Nash says getting out of the car. "Yeah hold on, you guys go on in, I need a talk to Char." Lizbeth says looking at me, "Okay".
Nash's POV
I enter the one and only Cameron Dallas' house. I mean like we're friends but then again he completely broke Lizbeth's heart, whatever. "Hey guys! Glad you could make it." Cameron says coming up to me and Shawn. "You guys want some drinks?" "No thank you." Me and Shawn both say at the same time. "Awh c'mon! It's a party! Drink some." He says pushing us to the kitchen. "Dude we said we don't want any drinks." Shawn says walking back over to the door, waiting for Char I'm guessing. "Didn't have to get so feisty Shawn, right Nash?" Cameron says as Shawn balls his fists up and grinding his teeth.'Damn Cam became a dick' I thought to myself "Nope." I say walking over to Shawn and patting his back. I feel an arm snake around my back, "Hey, Nash." I hear Lizbeth say, as she stands on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek as I see Cameron's eyes wide. "Hey babe." I say back. Oh Cameron is going to be so mad.

Charlotte's POV
Once I enter the house I immediately spot Shawn and Nash talking to someone. Me and Lizbeth make our way over as I recognize who they're talking to. Cameron Dallas. Lizbeth goes up to Nash while I go up to Shawn and I see her kiss Nash's cheek. "I'm going to get a water, want anything?" Shawn asks looking at me, "A water will be fine, I'll be over here." I say walking over to a wall, leaning on it. I look around the crowded house. I'm suddenly pushed up against the wall as a pair of lips slam onto mine. I can smell the alcohol off of the person. I try to push him off, but fail to succeed. Soon he let's me go and runs away. I need to find Shawn.

Shawn's POV
I went into the kitchen, it's really crowded. I grab two bottles of water and make my way back. I have to go around the whole entire damn house because there are people blocking the door, I finally make it back only to see Char slammed against the wall being kissed by a dude. I throw the bottles onto the ground and run around them. I thought we had something.

I begin to walk home because I know Nash will need the car. I begin to clench my fist. 'I thought we had something. I thought we had something.' I think to myself. 'Oh great!' I think to myself as it starts to rain. "Great fucking timing!" I yell punching the building I was passing. I look at my hand and see that it's already bruising. 'Great' I think to myself. I don't know where I'm going, all I need to do is get away from this place. I text Nash.

Charlotte's POV
"Hey have you seen Shawn?" I ask Lizbeth, I'm still looking for him. "No. Have you seen Nash?" She says as something is knocked over, making a ruckus causing us to look over. 'Found him.' I thought to myself as I see Cam down on a broken table with an angry Nash standing in front of him. "You don't fucking say that shit!" I hear him say grabbing Cameron by the shirt and punching him twice. Lizbeth rushing over towards him and tries to pull him off, not succeeding. "Nash!" She yells breaking him out of his trance. He gets off of Cameron and immediately hugs Liz.

Lizbeth's POV
"I'm sorry" He says into my ear hugging me harder, "I'm sorry. He called you a bitch and said you only think about yourself. Something in me snapped." He says hugging me like this is the last time he'll see me. "It's okay." I say quietly. "Can we leave?" I ask hugging him tighter. "Yeah, where's Char and Shawn?" He says as he is walking towards the door. "Charlotte should be somewhere here." I say. We saw her peeking her head around every corner as if desperately looking for someone or something. "Nash! Lizbeth! Have you seen Shawn?" Charlotte says as she walks over to us, I look over at Nash, he's checking phone. "He left early, wasn't feeling well. Let's get going." He says shutting his phone off and slipping it in his pocket.

Nash's POV
"Shawn, where are you?", I say as soon as he picks up. I was nervous he wouldn't answer but he did. "I don't man. It's dark because of the horrible streetlights.", he says with anger in his voice.

"Look, how long have you been walking?"

"I don't know!" He was getting me a bit mad because he didn't know anything, or so it seemed.

"Look, I know what Char did was terrible but you shouldn't put your own safety at risk even if you're buff as fuck."

"All I know is I'm still in the general area by Cameron's house. I don't know where though."

"Okay well I'm on my way. Send me the current location thing that your phone has."

"There. If for some reason it doesn't work, this sign that's in front of me says Wall street."

"Okay, I'm on my way. Don't move. Just sit on the curb or something." I quickly grab my keys as I hang up and head out.

I use the installed GPS in my phone to go to the current location thingy Shawn sent me. 53 minutes. Okay. Well then buff man. I'm in a panic so I didn't even notice my foot pressing harder and harder on the gas pedal second after second. Before I could slow down, I saw flashing lights behind me. The lights were flashing bright blue and red. 'Great, just what I needed.' I thought to myself. I quickly pulled over to the side and texted Shawn, 'I might run a bit late because I just got pulled over.' 

"License and registration please." I didn't argue with the cop because I myself knew that I was speeding and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Are you aware of the fact that you were going 40 over?" the cop continued.

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry it's just that i'm trying to look for my friend."

"Okay well there is never an excuse for speeding."

"I know I know, how much is the ticket?"

"$150" He says writing the ticket. Great! I can barely make enough money with the job at the cafe I have right now. "Here you go son, don't speed." He says giving me the ticket and walking back to his car. Great.

"Shawn get in the damn car!" I yell as I open the window. He's pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. Idiot. He gets in the car and we drive for a while. Silence. "I can't." He says after a while, "What?" I say slamming down onto the brakes, thank god no one is behind us considering we are in the middle of nowhere. "I can't, I need a break, I need to get away." He says running his hands through his hair. His hand is red and looks like it's on the verge of bleeding. "What happened to your hand?", I say concerned. "Nothing, nothing happened Nash." he says getting out of the car pacing back and forth. Shawn finally gives in and back into the car. He doesn't put on his seat belt but puts his elbows on his knees and runs his hands through his hair. "I'm gonna go to New York.", he says sitting up, clapping his hands together. "Are you crazy Shawn? What are you gonna tell Charlotte?", I ask shocked. "If going to New York makes me crazy then yes and she doesn't have to know."

"You're coming back right?"

"I-uh I-yeah" He stumbles on his words making me doubt him. "Shawn-" I begin, what do I say? I mean my best friend is going to New York for who knows how long, "Don't worry Nash, I'll tell you everything. I promise." 

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