Chapter 11

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(A/N Picture above is 'Shawn' sleeping, it's Cameron but that's how we imagined Shawn would look like) 
Chloe's POV
Looks like the plan worked. I give Shawn a text telling him that I'm in front of his hotel. I wonder what he's going to say about the whole 'situation'. I see Shawn come out of the hotel doors with his head down. He looks both left and right before he spots my car and walks towards it. I throw him a small wave before he gets in the car. He flashes a small smile. "To Starbucks, yeah?" I say as he gets in the car. He gives a small nod and I begin to drive.

                We order our drinks and take a seat. We sit in silence for a few minutes before we are called up to get our drinks. We return to our seats when out of the corner of my eye, I see Shawn open his mouth as if he was going to say something. Instead, he just closes his mouth and stays silent. "What did you do?" Shawn finally says something. His voice is a bit forceful. Oh shit. "What?" I ask acting completely clueless. I kept my eyes away from meeting his. If I didn't, he'd be able to tell I was nervous. He shakes his head and throws me a glare. "You know what I'm talking about Chloe." He says with no patience. He knows I'm lying so he continues to shake his head. Based off the way his appearance presents him, I wouldn't think he could get this angry. "I don't?" I say raising my left eyebrow. I'm trying to play it off as well as I can. This is not how I thought it would go. "I know what you did. You gave her a 'hickey' and thought I was dumb enough to fall for you spamming her phone acting as if you were someone else. My 'theory' is a bit out there but I'd say that you are trying to ruin what Char and I have. I know my own girlfriend and I know damn well she would never do something as stupid as that to me. As if you'd think I would actually believe that my Char, my girlfriend would do something like that.." He says putting finger quotes on the word 'hickey' and 'theory'. I just nod. I could tell that me being a smart ass is pissing him off even more. "What else did you do!" He yells causing everyone to look over at us. My face immediately gets red. "I, I drugged her." I say quietly so only Shawn could hear. Everyone goes back to doing whatever they were doing before Shawn so happened to make a scene. "What?" He says slamming his hand onto the table. "I gave her GHB, it's a drug that makes you pass out for about twelve hours or so..." I say. "Even if it's less than twelve, I must've used more than needed." I continue to say. I mean, he knows I did it. What is there to hide? He gets out of his seat immediately after my last statement and storms out of Starbucks leaving me with the two drinks. I look around to make sure none of the people around are staring at me before I get up to leave.

Shawn's POV

            I rush out of the Starbucks and instantly run towards the hotel. I have to check on Char to make sure she's okay. It's not long before I end up getting lost considering I don't know my way around here. I wait at a bookstore and call an uber which shows up and I see it's a guy. Thank god. "Hello there, Sheraton Hotel please." I say once I get in the uber. I constantly rub my hands against my leg to try and dry them off from being so nervous. "It'll be about 10 minutes."
We finally get to the hotel and I pay the guy. I may have paid him a little more than I was supposed to but my priority was getting to the room. The only thing running through my mind was to get to Charlotte. I burst threw the hotel doors and take the stairs knowing that the elevator will take too long considering how packed the lobby is. I finally make it to the hotel door and look through my wallet trying to find the hotel card. Fore some reason, whenever I am in a hurry for something, everything seems to be harder to find. The card for the hotel drops onto the floor so I kneel to grab it and swipe it through the lock. I open the door and run towards Charlotte's who is still in the same spot where she was when I left. This is beginning to worry me now. I can't tell if she's super just tired or if thanks to Chloe, the drug hasn't worn off. I open the curtains to allow in light hoping it'll help to wake her up. I take a seat on the bed next to her and take her in my arms, grasping her tightly. I look around the room and see the pizza staring dead at me. If only I stayed with her. If only I stayed in the room and never left in the first place. If I would've just ordered room service, none of this would've ever happened. The thoughts begin to make me feel like it was my fault. Tears begin to roll down my face. I'm supposed to protect her. I'm the one that's here to make sure she's safe. I hold her a bit tighter as guilt starts to fill my chest instead of my heart. I begin to stroke her hair softly, I look at the clock and see that it's twelve thirty. I decide to change into some more comfortable clothes and lightly put Charlotte back down before I get back up. I grab some sweats and throw them on. I head over to the sink and clean myself up. I look into the mirror and my eyes are swollen from crying. I take a few deep breaths and grab my phone. I text Nash informing him about Charlotte and making sure Liz doesn't freak out. I soon get a reply from Nash asking if he and Liz can come over. I say yes and he tells me they'll be right over. I go back over to the bed and lay right next to Char. I have my chest pressed up against her back to let her know I'm here and begin to stroke her hair again.
I hear some light knocks at the door and I get up to see who it is. I look through the peephole to see Nash with his arm over Liz. I open the door and let them in. Nash takes a seat onto the couch as Liz goes directly over to Charlotte. I decided to take a seat on the desk chair since it was fairly close to Nash.

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