RC9GN Fanfic (attempt)

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"Okay class, I have some very exciting news!" Mrs. Driscoll exclaimed. The class

was silent except for one blonde headed band geek that let out a woo with

hands in the air.

"Cunningham!" a chubby orange haired kid said slapping his lab partner to the

ground. "Get out of the stupid book! Mrs. Driscoll has some "exciting" news to tell us or whatever."

"What the juice, Howard!" a kid with purple hair came up rubbing his head and using his stool as a prop.

"Mr. Cunningham, does there seem to be a problem?" Mrs. Driscoll asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Everything is fine," the kid with purple hair told her while shooting glares at Howard "thanks a lot Howard! And the Nomicon is not stupid, it teaches me some bruce ninja moves!" the kid whispered to his friend.

"Whatever, Cunningham, just shut your trap and listen to this assignment thing." Howard whispered back rolling his eyes.

The sooner this was over the faster the two could go and play Grave Puncher 5 to the MAX! "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted by the class clowns over there." Mrs. Driscoll said pointing over in Howard's direction. The class erupted in laughter.

"Where are these clowns, so I can laugh even harder?" Howard said laughing.

"Psst!  Randy! She's talking about you two!" the blonde band geek whispered to them trying not to laugh. Randy sighed "Yes I know Bucky; you didn't have to point it out." Randy took his "math" book and tried to cover his face as if it were a safe haven from the laughter.

"Okay class! That's enough!" Mrs. Driscoll shouted over the laughter.

The laughing died down.

"Now onto the assignment, sometime this week we will be getting a class pet." Randy yawned loudly "Boring!" he whispered loud enough so only his fellow classmates could hear him.

Mrs. Driscoll glared at Randy before she continued "The class pet for this year will be a hamster! Isn't it exhilarating?"

"Woo! So exhilarating!" Randy said sarcastically.

"Thank you, Mr. Cunningham, for being the first to volunteer this year!" Mrs. Driscoll said with a smirk.

"Volunteering for what?" Randy asked suspiciously.

"Why taking the class hamster home for the first week when we get him, of course!"

"What?! That's wonk! Why do I have to be the first one? Why can't Howard do it?"

Randy folded his arms.

 "Because he wasn't the one making obnoxious comments and besides Howard will get the hamster the next week." the teacher said with a smile.

"Cunningham! You can’t take the hamster home!" Howard whispered to his best friend.

"It’s not like I have a choice or anything." he whispered back.

"Okay so tell me this, When was the last time you had a pet?" "Umm. about a couple years ago? What are you getting at Howard?"

"Where is he now?" Howard asked suspiciously.

"In the ground. Why are you asking me twenty questions?" Randy replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Look all I'm saying is that you're not the best person to be taking the class pet."

"You don't think I can handle the responsibility of having a pet do you! I’m the honking Ninja for crying out loud! If I can handle protecting the school then I'm pretty sure I can handle a stupid hamster."

"You're good at being the Ninja, but all I'm saying is that hamster won't last a day

with you."

The day went on with them bickering at each other. It finally ended when one of

Mcfist's robot minions started to terrorize the students, forcing the Ninja to come into play.

"Viceroy! Tell me my plan so when it succeeds I can gloat about the victory!" shouted a man with a raspy yet irritated voice.

"Well, Sir, "your plan" involves turning the Ninja into an animal." a slim guy with a

high pitched voice explained. "What?! An animal? What good does that do us?"

"Well you see if the Ninja is an ordinary animal, let’s say a hamster, then he would be harmless and easier to catch."

"Brilliant plan! Can't believe I came up with it! Wait if he is a hamster then we wouldn't be able to de-mask him! Viceroy your plan is stupid! Bash could of come up with a better plan!"

Viceroy sighed, “Sir, when we have the Ninja then we can just place him in that glass cylinder over there and use the reverse switch."

"I'm sorry I doubted myself and insulted my superior brains with Bash's peanut sized brain, Viceroy."

Viceroy just sighed and let Mcfist get lost in his thoughts.

"Smoke bomb!" a cloud of red smoke appeared with the silhouette of something, no someone. The Ninja!

The students hiding behind the principles car started to cheer as the satellite robot turned its direction toward the Ninja, after jumping on the car crushing it beneath its metal frame. The kids scattered looking for a place to hide. "Wow Mcfist your robots are getting uglier and uglier." the Ninja mumbled dodging the lasers coming from the tip of the satellite.

"What the juice? Is the body of that thing a microwave? To top it all off with a TV satellite on top. I didn't think Mcfist was that desperate for robot parts." he snickered dodging another laser.

"Now for some action! Ninja Sprint!" the Ninja shouted while sprinting toward the microwave bot.

"Ninja slice!" he exclaimed slicing through the metal bot separating the satellite from the microwave.

"And for my final move! Ninja kick!" he kicked the satellite piece sending it flying.

Everyone crowded the Ninja shouting for joy, except Howard who started walking off in another direction. "Stupid Randy, I'm just trying to be a bro and he's just think negative about it." Howard mumbled to himself.

He stopped and looked behind him at the Ninja just before the red cloud came for his friend to disappear. He just stood there and sighed waiting for his friend to come and tell him all about the fight. He waited a few minutes, but Randy never came to greet him with their bro handshake.

"Fine! I'll just walk home by myself if that jerk for a friend isn't going to come!" Howard angrily said to himself.

He started to walk off wanting to blow some steam. He wanted to punch a tree or kick something just to get his mind off of things.

Still angry at his best bro he almost didn't hear a buzzing noise. He looked around to find out where the noise was coming from. It was the satellite that had been sliced by the Ninja!

"This will do!" Howard exclaimed aiming his foot for a painful yet hard kick to the machine.

Howard kicked the defenseless satellite with one powerful kick. Hoping he would

feel better about the whole situation. The powerful blow to the machine must have been the spark to set it off.

The satellite started to jump around shooting red lasers randomly.

"GAHHH!!!" Howard screamed as he was hit with the laser.

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