Part 2

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Randy began the next day, as usual, walking to his best friend’s house so they could walk to school together. He found it odd that Howard never texted him after the attack.

“Was it something I said?” Randy said to aloud.

Two other kids heard him and snickered as they walked past. One of the kids started to cough; Randy could make out the word ‘loser’ edged in between the coughs. Randy just sighed and started down toward Howard’s house. Finally making it to the door he knocked. Footsteps could be heard from inside the house.

Heidi answered the door, “What do you want, Andy?”

“It’s Randy, and is Howard home?” Randy replied with a hint of annoyance of her not knowing his name after all of the years.

“Oddly no, I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning.  I’m sure he will turn up at school today so no need to worry.” Howard’s older sister reassured him.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’s pulling a prank on me or something.” Randy mumbled to himself as he trudged onward to his destination.

“Think Randy think! What all happened yesterday that would make Howard avoid you?” Randy thought.

“We argued most of the day and then there was another of Mcfist’s minions…..” He stopped at that thought. “I was suppose to catch up with Howard after school! I’m so stupid!” Randy shouted hitting his forehead.

I need to go talk to him!” Randy raced to the dreaded school to find his best friend.

He pushed the doors that lead into the building with extreme force racing to his first class. He tried to slide to a stop but failed slamming into some lockers.

“Oww.”  Randy complained while his face was still against the locker.

He casually walked into the classroom like nothing had happened. He walked toward his seat only to notice Howard’s was empty.

‘Where the juice is Howard?’ Randy thought, ‘I was almost sure he would have been here!’ he took a seat and didn’t even pay attention to the lesson.

Day before: after school

“So where is this little guy heading?” a tall dark haired man asked.

"To the Norrisville High School. He is suppose to be going to a science teacher by the name Marlene Driscoll.” The driver replied to his companion.

“I hope they don’t do any experiments on him! He is too adorable! Billy, he’s too adorable to die!” the tall man said frantically.

“Oh hush your blubbering, Joe! Get a hold of yourself it’s just a hamster!” Billy, said smacking the back of Joe’s head.

“Owww!” Joe said rubbing his head “That hurt!”

“Did it knock some sense into ya?” Billy said with a chuckle.

The van continued down the road, nearing the school.

“Watch out for that pothole!” Joe warned.

“I got this! I don’t need your help.” Billy mumbled.


“Aw man!” Billy sighed as he pulled over. “I’ll go see if we have a flat.” Billy grumbled.

“Ok! I warned ya!” Joe sneered. ‘Maybe the hamster needs a bathroom break’ Joe thought.

The driver and passenger got out of the blue greenish van slamming the doors at the same time.

“Ok little guy, go and do your business!” Joe said cheerfully setting the hamster on the ground.

The hamster jolted from the man unsure of where to go.

“GAH!” Joe exclaimed.

“Something the matter Joe?” Billy asked suspiciously.

“Nope everything is just peachy!” Joe said trying to reassure his partner, “How’s it going with the tire?” he asked.

“Its flat. Good thing we always pack a spare! I will have us back on the road in no time!” Billy said walking over to where Joe was.

Joe was frantically trying to catch the hamster when Billy walked over to get the spare.

“Joe! You numskull what the blazes are you doing?!” Billy exclaimed.

“Well, you see I figured the hamster ne--” Joe was interrupted, “No time for one of your silly stories! Help me catch the dang hamster!” Billy said impatiently.

The duo raced around the little scrap of land trying to capture the hamster with no luck.

‘Ugh, my head...what happened? And what’s with all racket? It’s making my head hurt worse!’ Howard rubbed his pounding head.

He tried to stand up, but couldn’t. He tried again but fell yet again.

‘What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I stand up? Everything’s a fuzzy blur. Why can’t I remember anything?’ Howard looked around his vision fading with each blink.

Before he passed out he saw two figures coming toward him. He wanted to shout out help, but he was too weak to say anything. He heard one of the figures say something. It was something about being a perfect match. Whatever that meant.  And then everything went black.

RC9GN  Fanfic (attempt)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora