Part 4

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“Viceroy! Have you finished the hamster tracker thingy?!” Mcfist shouted from his desk.  Mcfist was sitting in a rolling office chair rolling back and forth. He was bored out of his mind. The robo apes were busy working in his industry and Viceroy was building a contraption to find the Ninja which he would claim to have thought of or created, only to put the blame on someone else if it failed.

“Almost finished! Just got to tighten this last --” Viceroy didn’t get a chance to finish. The automatic doors that entered the room they were in opened. ’It’s not even noon, who would be up here this early’ Viceroy thought. He wished he had never asked the question.

“Yo! Mcfist, I got sent home early for nothing! So, Mom told me to chill up here with yous guys!” Bash’s voice boomed throughout the room. Bash noticed that the evil scientist was working on something that seemed important. If it looked important, Bash knew he had to do something with, whether or not destroying it on purpose or accident. It didn’t matter, his mom saw him as the perfect angel that he’s not.

“Bash, what did you do this time?” the teenager’s step-dad asked a little agitated.

“I didn’t do nothing! That triangle nerd was practically begging for a wedgie!” Bash defended. Mcfist just sighed knowing there was no winning an argument against “mommy’s little angel”.

“Bash, don’t you dare come near this fragile device!” Viceroy warned holding a device that looked like a Mcfist Pad and a tv remote combined. It was too late, Bash had already made the device his next target. Viceroy screamed hugging the device in an attempt to protect it. Bash lifted the man up and began shaking him as if he was trying to get lunch money from a nerd. Viceroy lost his grip. The machine fell right in Bash’s hand.

“Sweet! What does this button do?!” Bash exclaims excitedly pressing random buttons. The device begins to shake uncontrollably unable to keep up with the pace of buttons being pressed. The smoking device spat out different words, beep beep “HAMSTER!” bloop beep bloop ”NINJA!” beep beep “IDIOTS!” bloop bloop bleep “ROOT BEER!”, and with that the device died.

“GAH! We were so close!” Mcfist tried to hold back his hands to keep from strangling the boy.

“Hamster? Haha, that’s funny! There’s a shoobie freshman walking around with a hamster!” Bash said.

Mcfist was inches away from strangling the kid but stopped when he heard what came out of his mouth. “A hamster hmm? Bash why don’t you go….errr…. take the limo for a spin? Hmm?” He said waving the keys in front of him. With Bash out of the way they could get something done with this new valuable piece of information. Bash snatched the keys and left while Viceroy just gave Mcfist a ‘what the juice’ face.

“With Bash out of our hairs we can focus on finding -” Mcfist was interrupted as a giant green face appeared in the mist of green fog. Mcfist didn’t even notice the green man watching him.

“MCFIST!” the Sorcerer’s voice boomed, “Why am I still in this hell hole?!”

“Well, you see we are this close to finding the Ninja!” Mcfist explained with a nervous laugh. Mcfist nervously kept babbling on about things on the agenda. Mcfist dared not make eye contact with the Sorcerer.

“Well, I’m waiting to hear your plans as to destroying the Ninja and getting me out of this pit!” the Sorcerer said impatiently. “Need I remind you of our proposal, Mcfist?” he asked with an annoyed tone.

“Ok we may or may not have lost the Ninja…..” Mcfist said, “but we have some information that might lead us to the Ninja!” Mcfist beamed.

“What kind of information? And what did you do to lose or not lose the NINJA!” the head screamed. Mcfist winced cowering behind Viceroy. “Viceroy, you tell him!” Mcfist whispered. Viceroy just sighed and continued the conversation with the Sorcerer. “You see I built this device that would turn the Ninja into a harmless animal! So it would be easier to capture him if he is harmless. Problem is we don’t have a clue if the machine hit its target or an unsuspecting random kid.” Viceroy lowered his voice a bit. The Sorcerer looked pretty angry, Mcfist chimed in “We suspect that the Ninja is a hamster!”

“A hamster you say?” the Sorcerer questioned.

“Yes! We have been told that there is a freshman at Norrisville that is carrying a hamster around the school! So all we got to do is find the kid with the hamster and somehow get the hamster from him, whatever it takes.” Mcfist exclaimed with a grin. The Sorcerer liked the idea of the Ninja being a stupid hamster.

Randy got to school that morning expecting to see Howard sitting in the chair next to his. He was disappointed that his friend wasn’t there. ‘Where could that shoob be?’ Randy thought over and over again. The thought seem to take over his mind. He placed the hamster cage on his desk. The hamster was asleep as usual. There was something off about this particular hamster, Randy couldn’t put his finger on it. He had looked up some facts about hamsters last night. Apparently you aren’t suppose to give hamsters junk food or Root Beer but, the hamster seems fine so he ignored that fact. He also compared the sleeping habits of an average hamster to the one on his desk. The hamster reminded Randy of Howard’s laziness. He knew the hamster liked the Mcfizzles so he took a bag of regular hamster food and dumped it out. Inside the empty bag he filled it with Mcfizzles, that way it looked like regular hamster chow but not really. He checked his phone for about the millionth time expecting to see a text from Howard saying he will be there any minute. He sighed and put his head down. “Maybe the Nomicon will have an answer!” he exclaimed pulling it out. “Ok Nomicon, Howard is missing and wont answer my texts. I think something might have happened but I have no clue as to where to start or anything! So could you please help?” Randy pleaded with the book. The book opened and flipped through the pages with in, pulling Randy into the pages. Randy flew past some paper dragons and paper ninjas. When he finally got to the end, the words of wisdom were in front of him.

“The answer you seek is almost always in front of you, you must open your eyes.” Randy said aloud. “What the juice does that mean Nomicon? That doesn’t make any sense!” Randy shouted before being sucked out of the book. He woke up to a puddle of his own drool. He wiped his face like nothing had happened, he was use to it by now. “The answer you seek is almost always in front of you, you must open your eyes. Hmmm in front of me….in front of me?” Randy looked around even looked under the desk.  “The only thing in front of me is a pencil, the hamster, and the Nomicon.” Randy sighed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he opened his eyes to see neon scribbles. All seeming to point at the hamster. “The hamster is going to help me find Howard?” Randy asked confused.

Howard was in a deep sleep. He was having a nightmare, a fuzzy nightmare he could barely remember the details. He was reliving the horror from that Monday afternoon. He had kicked the machine, shooting a laser at him on accident. He remembered the 2 strange figures. Then somehow getting stuck in the body of a hamster. The nightmare began to take over he was engulfed by it. He woke up breathing really hard. He took note of his surroundings.

‘Looks like I am at the school. Where’s Cunningham?’ Howard asked in his weird hamster language. He looked around. ‘Aha there’s that shoob! But why is he staring at me like that?’ he asked puzzled. Randy opened the cage door and grabbed the hamster. ‘Hey put me down Cunningham!!’ the hamster squirmed to no avail. “So this hamster is the answer to finding Howard?” Randy questioned.

‘What the juice, Cunningham?! I’m right here!!’ he squeaked. “Yeah squeak, squeak to you little buddy.” Randy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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