Chapter 4: My Hero

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His cold hand gripped my throat as he held the knife to it.

"You can't leave me! I'll die without you! Please stay with me I swear I love you." He yelled in my face with streams of tears falling from his eyes.

"Let go" I tried whispering with the little air left in my lungs. I heard Marzia screaming and Tyler yelling something, I couldn't make it out. My vision was starting to blur, I think I'm about to die.

He turned me around with his arm around me in a headlock, I caught my breath again and tried to escape his tight grip. He started walking toward Marzia and Tyler with the knife still at my throat

"Come any closer and I'll kill her." He yelled.

"Please let go Quinn! Please! Don't kill my best friend!" Marzia sobbed.

"If I can't have her no one can!" Quinn yelled back.

"Come on man we can work something out." Tyler said slowly inching towards us.

He cut my cheek with the tip of the knife, I screamed in agony. He instantly backed away and Marzia fell to the ground screaming. Marzia mouthed something to me but I couldn't understand. Then I felt a slice go down my stomach, not too deep though. I could tell because I recognized the pain. Too much blood was falling from my body, I felt Quinn place me on the ground and press on my stomach trying to stop it.

"No, don't leave me! Please!" He said while my blood covered him. Quinn fell on top of me, lifeless. I slipped pulled out from under him as fast I could and laid in the grass. Everything felt as if it was in slow motion, Marzia started running at me, Tyler was on the phone staring at me with big eyes, but who hit Quinn? I looked to the other side of me and  saw the silhouette of a guy crouching down over me and lifting me. I slowly felt my heart slow down and everything went black.


Marzia's POV

"No!" I yelled watching Quinn walk out with one hand on Zoe's neck and the other with a knife.

"Come any closer and I'll kill her" He yelled.

"Please let go Quinn! Please! Don't kill my best friend!" I said, sobbing

"If I can't have her no one can!" Quinn yelled back at me.

"Come on man we can work something out." Tyler said slowly inching towards them.

He then raised the knife from her throat and sliced her cheek open, she screamed. Her scream made me weak in the knees. I fell to the ground I couldn't do anything or he would kill her. I looked her straight into her dark blue eyes and mouthed "It will be okay baby."I looked up at Quinn and pleaded with my eyes. He cried even louder and sliced her stomach, that time she didn't scream she just went white, she was dying. 

"Quinn!" I yelled pointing to her.

She was bleeding out a lot faster than she should have, then I remembered she had a bleeding disorder, she can't stop bleeding. Quinn looked down and saw all the blood and placed her on the ground and placed his hands on her stomach. Then it felt like I went deaf, Quinn yelled something but I couldn't head. She's gone, I know it. I love you Zoe.

A man walked up behind Quinn, he instantly smashed Quinns head with a baseball bat and he instantly fell over top Zoe. She slipped from under him and laid on her back on the grass. Then man lifted her bridal style and walked towards us. I looked back at Tyler and he put his phone in his pocket.

"The ambulance is coming, put pressure on her wounds." Tyler said to me.

"You saved her, thank you!" I said to the man.

I made eye contact with the man and recognized him, it was Vic Fuentes. Before I could react, Zoes eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Did I just loose my best friend?

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