Chapter 16: Starbucks

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I woke up to the smell of Starbucks coffee and pancakes. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a tray of Starbucks and Mcdonalds with a little note. 

I didn't want to come in so I got a maid to, knowing you don't trust me yet. Here you go, breakfast on me call me when you finish.

- Conner

I got up and felt a sharp pain on my abdomen. I winced in pain and sat up.  I lifted up my Blink-182 tank top slowly, not wanting to see anything wrong. I gasped and saw that blood was all over my stomach and bed from rolling over at night. I slowly got up and called Conner.

"Come now, help me!" I yelled into the phone. I dropped the phone and walked to the door unlocking it, I opened my door and fell from loss of blood but Conner caught me, he lifted me up and walked me to the bathroom. He stood me up and he slowly peeled off the gauze that was covered in blood. It was weird that it was still bleeding even though its been a month. 


Quin's POV

- Memory from Zoe when she was kiddnapped -

"Hey Zoe, you cant get rid of me that fast. Now where were we?" He said with a devilish smirk on his face.

I tried screaming when he crawled over me. I kicked and punched but it didn't work, these damn restraints. He moved the rag out of my mouth and I started screaming as loud as I could. He tried putting his hand on my mouth to quiet me but I bit him. He fell off the bed in pain screaming. I had blood going down my chin, what did I just do? He stood up, holding his finger. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at my head.

"You shouldn't have done that." He screamed.

I closed my eyes and cried remembering Vic's face before I die.

I heard a gunshot and clenched every muscle in my body. Nothing was hurting me. I opened my eyes to see (EX) Quinn standing with blood seeping through his white shirt. He looked down and back at me and fell hitting his head on the wooden part of the bed.

"Ha ha ha, shouldn't have wasted all that money if I knew he was going to do that right?" Quin said in the doorway holding his gun up.

He lowered the gun and walked over to me. He brushed my bangs from over my eyes and wiped the blood off my chin.

"You really bit him!" He laughed.

I felt my face turn red with anger when he touched me. Suddenly, he kissed me hard. I screamed kicking him in the stomach.

"Oh fuck you!" He screamed holding his stomach.

He lifted his shirt revealing his abs and a bandage on his stomach. In an instant I looked down at my stomach to see blood seeping through the gauze. He looked down and smirked.

He walked toward me with a knife. He grabbed my shoulder and sliced the knife in my stomach where I got stabbed before. I screamed bloody murder. It hurt so much. He pulled it out and chuckled with a smirk.

"Take a shower, okay? There are more gauze's in the bathroom under the sink. I'll be back tomorrow for more. Don't try leaving. I will find you." He said, unlocking the restrains off my wrist and ankles.


 "Zoe?" Conner said, waving a hand in front of my face.

I snapped back to reality and looked down at a new clean gauze.

"Thanks!" I said.

I walked back to the bed and ate my breakfast while talking to Conner.

"Okay I'm going to tell you a story, in grade 9 I have a really curly hair and it was a mullet okay. So I got a haircut and I wasn't paying attention and the lady straightened my hair. And I couldn't get it curly again and when I told my friend she couldn't stop laughing. It was really embarrassing.." He said.

Don't Harm for me? : A Vic Fuentes Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora