Chapter 6

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I'm sorry I didn't get to update. hectic school! And since I'm in the drama magnet, I have a freaking drama mama!!! Her name is Sofia. Love her to bits!!!

Check my Harry fan fic " Together Forever." Chapter one is out and comment what you think about it!!


I swear to God I'm dreaming!! This perfect son of a bitch got my number! What am I saying? Ugh, I need to be normal.

Fortunately, my 4-5 periods are art. That is basically the only subject I look forward to! Mrs.Goldman is like the best art teacher in the world!!!!! I can't wait till I get there!

I pack up my belongings and shove them into my pack. When I got up I literally bumped into Louis.

"OH, sorry there. I didn't see you getting up." he smirked at me. I swear I'm gonna...... I don't know what I'm gonna do but I will figure it out! He has this look that gives me goose bumps and I can't control my feelings for liking it.

I walk out the room and almost got trampled by a jerk. I felt like flicking him off, but that wouldn't maker any sense. As soon as I went into class I saw Keagen sitting next to an empty chair. I go and walk to it and take a seat. The whole time we were learning about some crappy stuff and started passing out files. When this kid named James started passing out papers I was just doodling. At first I didn't know what it was, but it then looked like a tree. So I started to draw trees, the sun, and then I remembered in sixth grade my best friend Makayla(mikeandike) drew a volcano and I thought it was a tree and I made fun of her ever since. LOL!

"Nikki!! What on Earth are you doing?" Mrs.Goldman screamed across the room at me. I got so frightened by her tone of voice that I actually jumped up from my stool. "UM..." I began to say until she came over to my table and took a look at my doodling. "Hmm." she starred down at me. What the hell was the whole point of screaming when she did nothing to me? She scared the crap out of me!

The rest of the two hours I just daydreaming about Louis. How his eyes sparkle and his lips curve into a perfect smile makes me wanna.......


That damn bell! I get my sketchbook and pencil and shove it in my bag. I pick it up and lean it over my left shoulder. I have fourth lunch, so I have to wait forever just to get to eat.

When I get to the cafeteria, I get my potato with tuna on the side and walk out to the "spill out." When I walk out the door, I look for the table Keagen and I usually sit at. when I do find it, I see her standing on the table as if she was looking for someone up there.

"Nikki! Come over!" she yells from the table drawing attention from everyone. that was pretty awkward for me cuz now they know i have the weird, and creepy friend who wears hippy clothes and stands on tables. Nice!

I walk with my head tilted towards the ground walking to our table when abruptly...


I'm so SRY that it's not long enuf. School is a pain in the ass! I'll update longer!

I will probably update this Saturday.

COMMENT need them!



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