Dates, Dates, and More Dates!

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        You woke up, still cuddling Sans. Were you two now officially a thing? Well you two did french kiss in a storm, so you'd think it was. He was still snoring softly, so you booped the area above where his nose would be. He stirred a bit, before opening his eyes sleepily. "Morning sunshine" you smiled at him. He smiled back, sitting up and rubbing his eye sockets. You then smelt the greasy smell of bacon, which made your mouth water. 'Papyrus only knows how to make spaghetti though. Is someone else with him?' You asked yourself. Nope. He was indeed, cooking. Papyrus stood in the small kitchen, humming Bonetrousle, and looking at a book titled '101 human recipes'. Where did he get the materials for this you ask? The same place he gets materials for spaghetti, which is god knows where. "Morning Papyrus" said Sans groggily from behind you.
       "Oh, good morning Sans, (y/n)! I have recently picked up a book on a bunch of delicious human recipes, sooo, I thought I would make breakfast for you two" he smiled enthusiastically. "It smells absolutely amazing!" You drooled, stars in your eyes. Sans chuckled at you in response, and Papyrus let out a satisfied hum and continued cooking. Sans -- surprisingly -- set the table.
       'This is gonna be good!' You thought.
       A drool stream was slowly making it's way down to your chin. You wiped it away and sat down. You rubbed your hands together as Papyrus put your plate down, that he had previously picked up to put food on. You devoured your plate of food in exactly 1 minute. Why are you so hungry? Because before this, all you had were cheap snacks, that were eaten through the course of 3 days. When Papyrus had finished and left, you prepared to leave to. That was, when Sans grabbed your arm from the other end of the table. "Hey... (y/n)?" He said, his face darkened in shadow. "Yeah" you said, nervous that he was gonna tell you terrible news. "Would you maybe.. go on a date... with me?" He said, now blushing. You sighed in relief, "You scared the living daylights out of me! And of course I will, we are together, aren't we?". He looked utterly surprised, "we, we are?". "If that french kiss means anything, then yeah!" You said, a sly grin on your face.
       He looked at you, wide eyed, in response, then simply nodded. "Then it's official! Ima go do some things today, meet me at Grillby's for lunch at 12 sharp!" you said and winked. "O-ok (y/n)" he stuttered, making you chuckle.
       'It's sooo easy to get him flustered" you grinned to yourself.


       I was busy finishing a new sleep medicine for people with insomnia. The blinker on my communicator screen came on, indicating I had a call. 'Almost never get those... NO! I need to stop feeling sorry for myself!' I thought, hitting the green button and accepting the call. Undyne's face filled the big screen in front of me. "Heya Alphys! I uh, wanted to know if you were busy today?" Undyne sounded nervous. "U-uh, no, nothing o-on my schedule t-t-today" I stuttered. 'Man I need to fix that stuttering habit of mine' I thought, disappointedly.
       "U-um, I was, uh, w-wondering if..." this time it was her turn to stutter.
       "Yes? G-go on" I said, and thought about how unnatural it was for her to stutter. "If you would like to, ummmm,gotothigotothisnewrestrauntthatjustop-enedit'sreallyfancy!?" She said too quickly for me to make out any of it. "C-come again?" I asked patiently. She sighed "I was wondering if you would like to go to this new restaurant that just opened, it's really fancy" she blushed and looked away, a defeated look on her face. "Wha?! S-s-sure! I'd l-love to go!" I said, red as a tomato. Undyne looked back, surprised. "Uh... i'll see you at 12, for lunch!" She said loudly, and then abruptly hung up. I stood there dumbfounded. I WAS GOING ON A DATE WITH UNDYNE! *fangirling*


      I was walking in Snowdin, getting groceries when I got a call. It was from Mettaton. "Hello Mettaton! How are you on this lovely day?!" I smiled. "Hello Papy dear! I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a bite to eat!~" this made me blush. "S-sure Mettaton!". "Great, be here at twelve! I'll see ya later, darling~" I could practically see him winking when he'd said that. What's this? My chest hurt, my soul was throbbing in my ribcage.

       Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. "*sigh*, I hope she's doing well out there" I said to myself. Suddenly, there was a knock on my basement door. I scurried to it, thinking it was the mailman with my new cookbook.
       Boy, was I wrong.
       I was met with Asgore. I scowled. "What do you want?" I spat. He looked saddened. "There has been news of a human roaming the streets" he stated simply. I knew where he was going with this. "Don't you dare" I shook my head, staring threateningly at him. "No, i'm tired of this! I don't want to do this anymore" he cried. Suddenly, and unexpectedly, he dropped to his knees in front of me. "You... always were, a big softie.. at heart" I kneeled down and hugged him tight. "*sigh* I can't believe i'm saying this" I whispered. He looked up, slightly confused. "How about, I take you somewhere... anywhere, so you can feel better, and leave me alone" I whispered the last part and looked away, grimacing, as he hugged me tight. "Thank you, Toriel" he said softly. I blushed. "Don't m-mention it" I said.

       Everybody met up at their destinations at 12 sharp. There's only one thing to say about this... DATING START!!


Please give me your feedback, I would like to know what your opinions on the story are.

I do not own Undertale, you, the characters, or the pictures. But I do own the story! :)

Thanks for reading, see ya soon! :D 

Undertale: Last Hope (SansxReader) ~Discontinued~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt