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(Isn't this pic adorable? :3)

You walked to Grillby's, thinking about all the stuff you did here in the Underground. You met so many monsters on your first day here. Toriel... you wondered how she was doing... you missed her hugs, and the smell of butterscotch cinnamon pie, and the feeling of security she left behind. Sans and Papyrus. The goofballs made you laugh when you felt down, and you couldn't help the blush that appeared when you thought of Sans. Undyne, you admired her in many ways, especially the fact that she would do anything for her friends. And Alphys, your Otaku buddy. You loved going to her lab on occasion to nerd out about the latest anime. Right now, you and her were watching 'The Seven Deadly Sins'. Of course you hadn't told Sans and Alphys that you knew their secrets, Sans having a crippling depression, and Alphys keeping Amalgamates in her lab.

You were so lost in thought, that you almost passed Grillby's.

You snapped your head up at the sign, chuckling at your behavior. You opened the door to see Sans... waiting for you... huh. You thought for sure he would at least be 10 minutes late. 'He must really be serious about this' you thought blushing. You walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around, a relieved look spread across his face when he saw you. "Where have you been?! I've been waiting for like 10 minutes!" he ranted.
'Oh, the irony!' you chuckled.
"Hey dude, i'm on time. You're just early~" you said playfully. He flushed. "Am not!". You showed him your phone, revealing that it was indeed 12:00 "are too" you replied and kissed his head. He groaned and faced back towards the bar. Grillby walked over (oh no). "Hello", he said politely. He seemed to have gotten over acting weird around you and Sans (but you were wrong >:) ). "What do ya wanna eat?" asked Sans, nonchalantly.
"Same thing as before" you winked
"Stop being so... weird" he chuckled, facing the bar again. Grillby was already gone. What was he planning?... hmmm. He returned with one basket of fries that had the words 'For the Love Birds' written on it with ketchup. He wiggled his eyebrows at you like before, and you shuddered, as someone walked in. It was Toriel and Asgore... followed by a shocked Undyne and Alphys, Alphys a little more shocked than Undyne.
'This is going to be fun' you thought sarcastically.
At this moment, everyone-- not including the people that were already here-- were shocked, including you.
The people that were already here, stared at the small group of shocked people, utter confusion written on their face. You were frozen at the sight of Asgore. You almost let out a scream, but thought better of it, you were in a restaurant after all... (a restaurant that had two menu options -_-). Asgore was the same, and Toriel panicked. Not knowing what to do, she rushed over to you, shaking. "(y-y-y-y/n)! T-this," she pointed at Asgore, "is Asgore, as you probably know... he doesn't want to hurt you.. ok?"
You nodded your head-- eyes bugging out of your skull-- nervously.
You decided to be friendly.
You walked up to him, holding out your hand.
"I'm, uh, (y/n)... nice to, heh, meetcha" you smiled.


After some laughs, catching up, and a ton of congratulating, everybody left in their groups. Sans put an arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead, earning some 'awww''s from people outside. You mentally cringed. 'uggh, attention' you thought. To make things even weirder, he purred "mine" in your ear, making you shudder. "Ya know, you're really creepy when ya want to be".
"One of mah perks!" he stated proudly.
"It's really, not" you said, making Sans laugh.

*Later*... Again*

You sat at Sans an Pap's house wondering what to do. There wasn't much, since Sans basically had you on a leash. He had surprisingly good hearing for someone with no ears, but, you were done questioning the logics of this strange place. You decided to draw, the only thing you really could do.


After I had left Grillby's, Asgore was nowhere to be found. I swear, if I hadn't have known better, I would've mistaken him for a five year old. Once I had found him- after running around for about ten minutes- I saw him handing a kid a lollipop. The scene was heart-warming to say the least. My face darkened in shadow, thinking about the past. I walked up to them and forced a smile. "Time to go, Asgore". He looked up at me, almost instantly noticing the forced smile. "Ok" he said blankly.
We walked to the castle in silence. I would've just left him there, but, something told me not to. I broke the unbearable silence. "What made you have a change of heart?". He froze. "I can't tell you" he whispered so that I could barely hear. "Why?!" I shouted, taking him aback for a second. He came closer and whispered "It's blackmail". I gasped, a wave of emotions crashed inside me. Anger, fear, sadness, joy, exhaustion, and many more. He looked away, ashamed. "I'm already going to be punished by said blackmailer, for breaking down earlier. And now, for exchanging information about it, I will be punished even more... but I decided to take the risk. I couldn't live with myself knowing that you hated me over something I was forced to do, I just-" he started crying. "Say no more" I said making him look at me with anticipation and fear. A twinge of remorse coursed through me as I continued. "It's a lot to take in, but I can at least say... that, I forgive you" I smiled. His face brightened, and he came over to me and, without a second thought, kissed me. Not expecting it, and not wanting it right away, I pulled away from him. "Too soon?" he laughed. "A little" I laughed back. "Now, to deal with this blackmailer" I said, anger evident in my voice.


Please give me your feedback, I would like to know what your opinions on the story are. :)

I do not own Undertale, you, the characters, or the pictures. But I do own the story! :D

Thanks for reading, see ya soon!

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