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Hello :)

So I decided to do another mini fic (5 parts). For those of who have read Inking of Pain, this is very similar to it. It just had a different plot.

Zayn shows Liam just how beautiful he is...

I know the description doesn't sound that amazing but I promise the story will be more interesting that what the description sounds like.

Oh and sorry about the title of the story, I don't really think its makes sense but I just liked the sound of it. 

So I hope just enjoy this. I am going start doing more of these kind of fanfics. So you can send me some requests if you want ^-^ 


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Part 1



Liam wasn't just insecure. 

He hated how he looked. He hated how he talked. He hated how he laughed. He hated the crinkles by his eyes. He hated how he walked. He hated himself. 

And that's exactly why his arms and legs were covered in deep red scars. Whenever Liam stared at his reflection in the mirror, he would dash for the bathroom and grab that one thing that would make him happy. That only thing that would make Liam feel at peace. 

Those scars were like his best friends, something Liam would look at and be pleased because he believed he deserved them. 

Liam only wore long sleeves, even if the sun was burning brightly. He would always be wearing long sleeves and he knew people were noticing, realizing what he was doing but Liam didn't care.

He deserved those scars, the pain and everything else that went with it. 


Ever since Liam was small he had a eating disorder; Anorexia nervosa to be specific. He would spend hours in front of the mirror, looking at himself and think about how much weight he had on. 

Liam would hold his breath and push his stomach back in and then would think that yeah, he looks much better now; still ugly but at least not fat. 

So he starved himself. He started skipping dinner and would lock himself up his room because he knew his family would come up and force him to eat something and he couldn't do that. He couldn't eat. Liam would busy himself by listening to music because that was the only only thing that helped him resist his hunger. 

And he thought his plan was going well, it wasn't. Liam didn't notice how thin he had gotten, he didn't notice how bony he looked. 

It  didn't go well because within a month, Liam had ended up on the hospital bed looking so helpless and weak and just broken; bones poking at his skin threatening to pop out any minute, scars covering his delicate skin and that broken dark look in his eyes. 

He didn't know what exactly made him this ill. 

But he knew it was going to take a lot to get better. 


Louis was really the only person that Liam ever talked to. Especially after coming out of the hospital. He didn't even look into anyone's eyes except for Louis'. Louis had been there for Liam from the start, he had been there to see what Liam was going through.

Louis told him everyday how beautiful he was but Liam didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth because he wasn't beautiful or flawless or perfect.

He was just simply ugly.


 It's when Zayn comes into his life that everything just changes. It changes without a warning. 

Zayn is his mum's best friend's son. He was coming over for the summer because his parents were heading to America and he wasn't too keen on going. 


Liam's family was beyond excited unlike Liam. It wasn't like Liam had a thing against Zayn, this was the first time he was meeting him. Liam just wasn't the type of guy that liked to meet new people. He just hoped Zayn wasn't some kind of jerk because his mum was making him share his room with Zayn. 

Even more great.


Zayn had amazing hazel eyes that Liam wanted to stare into, he wanted to fall in them and explore. He decided that Zayn had amazing eyes. Zayn also had amazing soft looking raven hair and Liam thought about running his hand through them. He could imagine how nice it would feel. Zayn even had a gorgeous smile.

But Liam pushed those thoughts away. Something about how he felt about Zayn scared him and he felt the urge to cut again but he knew he couldn't do that right now. His mum had told him that he had to be there to welcome Zayn. 

"Hey! You must be Liam" Zayn said, grinning and he pushed his hand towards Liam. Liam's eyes went wide as he stared at Zayn's hand, he wanted to reach out and hold it but he didn't, he couldn't. Zayn got the message because he pulled his hand back, his grin still very visible.

"H-Hello" Liam stuttered, he tried to smile but he was sure it came out as a grimace. He hated his smile.

"Liam honey, why don't you take Zayn up to your room?" His mother asked, a gentle smile on her face as she looked at Liam. Liam didn't miss the pained look in her eyes and the way she had forced her smile. He knew he was hurting his mother by hurting himself.

But his mother didn't understand. He needed this, He deserved this. 

He was ugly.


Zayn didn't talk to Liam again till he had finished unpacking. Liam's face was buried deep into a book and he could feel Zayn's eyes on him but he ignored them. Liam could also feel his skin iching because he was craving badly for a sharp object. He hadn't cut since this morning and needed to do so badly. 

"Why are you so thin?" Zayn asks out of no where, his voice is quiet, small and Liam stops breathing because fuck. 

"I-I-" Liam tries to come up with something as he gets out of his bed and starts pacing around because that urge to cut is bigger than ever now. 

"You look like you're really under weight" Zayn said, his eyes watching Liam and Liam didn't like how Zayn's eyes watched him. He didn't like the way Zayn's eyes had a adoring look in them because they weren't supposed to do that. They were supposed to be disgusted at Liam. 

Liam doesn't say anything, he just stares at Zayn. His eyes and mouth wide open, teeth chewing on his bottom lip before he runs out of his bedroom and straight outside, letting out a sob when he finally feels the fresh air. 


I loved that. I mean writing it. I hope you guys liked reading it ^-^

I just love writing these kind of mini-fics. Do send in some requests. It would be great if they are centric Liam.


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