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hello :)

sorry for the wait. So one more part to go after this one! I did start another mini-fic called "Better than him" It's a Lirry, so anyone who ships Lirry should go and check it out :)


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Part 4

Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy :)



Zayn was that one person that some how kept Liam sane. He was that one person that made Liam want to get better. Liam felt the need to stop because of Zayn. 

He wanted to stop hurting himself because he didn't want Zayn to be disappointed in him. He wanted to show Zayn that he can stop.

They hardly exchanged any words, they didn't speak about Liam problems or his insecurities. None of that happened. But Zayn still caught on to what was happening. It just took a look in Liam's eyes for Zayn to know that Liam was broken, he needed fixing. 

It was a simple connection between them. 

They were close even without the talking. They would cuddle often. Even that came naturally, they would just be watching a movie and the next Zayn would have his arms wrapped around Liam, who would have his head pressed against Zayn's chest. 

It all happen fast but it didn't scary them.

It was just them.


Liam was sure he woke up because he felt a pair of hazel eyes staring at him. And he was right. His eyes met Zayn's immediately after he had opened them. Zayn didn't look away and smile slyly like he usually did. He kept on staring. 

Normally, Liam would hate it. 

Liam never like people staring at him cause it made him feel more insecure. He felt like the person was trying to pick out every flaw there was on his face, on his body and he hated it. 

But with Zayn...it was different.

Liam snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a warm hand touch his cheek, his eyes locked with Zayn's again and Zayn placed his hand flat on Liam's cheek, slowly stroking it. 

"You're beautiful" Zayn whispered.

Liam opened his mouth to disagree but he couldn't speak because the honesty in Zayn's eyes had him speechless. He wanted to cry and scream and show Zayn how many flaws he had, show Zayn how ugly he was but he couldn't.

He was frozen.

And then even his breath hitched as he felt Zayn lean down and gently peck his cheek, letting his lips linger lovingly. 



"How what?" Zayn asked as he glanced up at Louis.

Louis had stopped by as usual but Liam was in the shower, so that only left Louis and Zayn. They weren't best mates yet but they still had tiny conversations here and then. 

"How did you make Liam eat again and not cut? I can see the changes you know. I have known him all my life" Louis said as he turned towards Zayn and arched his brow up.

"I don't know" Zayn shrugged.

That was the truth. Zayn didn't know about how he had gotten Liam to open up to him so quickly. But he was glad because slowly he could see Liam getting better. Liam wasn't there yet but he was starting to. Zayn's just looking out for him.

"Thank you" Louis smiled.


"For doing this. He needs it. He deserves a good life" Louis said, with a bigger smile.


Zayn didn't mean to walk in on Liam changing. He honestly didn't mean to. When his eyes ran over Liam's shirtless chest, a pang of hurt hit him because Liam still looked unhealthy, not like before but still. You could still see his bones poking through his skin and worst of all you could still see his scars.

None the less Liam was still beautiful to Zayn.

Zayn doesn't know what exactly made him walk over to Liam and grab his arms. It was the stupidest thing to ever do but at that time Zayn wasn't really thinking. 

Zayn gently stroked his thumb over Liam's scars which made Liam flinch and whimper. He tried to pull his arms out of Zayn's hold but Zayn's grip was firm. 

"Don't do this yourself" Zayn whispered as his eyes met Liam's. Tears already gathering up in Liam's eyes. 


"Why do you do this?" Zayn asked, his voice ever so gentle.

Zayn pushed himself closer to Liam, he placed a hand on Liam's cheek and wiped away his tears.

And the next thing Zayn said, had both of their hearts pounding loudly. 

"I love you"


sorry for that typos, writing this at midnight. That reminds me! Midnight Memories <3 <3 <3 cannot wait for it. 

don't forget to check out- "Better Than Him" 


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