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hello :)

So, this is the last part to this mini fic. I hoped you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is one of my favourite stories I have written so far. So yeah. Hope you guys liked it. 

I want to see more comments on this part as it is the last and I just want to dedicate the parts of this fic to some of you. 


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Part 5



I love you. 

Liam wished Zayn never said those words. Those words had turned Liam's world completely upside down. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to hate Zayn for it. If only Zayn never said them. 

But then why did he? Did he actually mean them? 

Liam was pretty sure that Zayn said it as a joke. No one could ever love him. There was nothing to love about him. He wasn't normal. He was ugly and stupid. 

He hasn't talked to Zayn since that day. Liam has been avoiding Zayn ever since that day. He wouldn't talk to Zayn, he wouldn't look at him and neither would he stay in the same room as him for longer than 5 minutes. 

Zayn had tried to get him to talk a few times but Liam would just get out of it somehow. Thankfully, his parents were back now and that meant that him and Zayn weren't always alone.


"Liam?" Zayn's voice, like always, was quiet and gentle. It made Liam's heart break as he turned around and tried to ignore Zayn. He wasn't going to talk about it. Not today. Not tomorrow.

Zayn can't love him. Ever. He doesn't deserve it. 

"Liam don't do this" Liam's eyes shut close as tears streamed down his face. He was gripping tightly on to his wrist, his fingers firm against his red fading scars. He wanted Zayn to stop. He wanted Zayn to just turn around and run away. 

"God Damn it Liam" Zayn growled and the next thing Liam felt was his body turning around and getting pushed against the wall by strong force. A whimper escaped his lips at he looked up and found Zayn staring back at him. 

Liam wished Zayn didn't look at him that way. Liam wished Zayn didn't lick his lips like that. And Liam really wished he wasn't here right now.

"L-Le-t me-e g-oo-o" Liam tried not  to cry harder but he couldn't stop the tears and he couldn't help but shudder when Zayn pressed a gentle hand on his cheek. 

"I love you and I mean it. Don't think that I don't because I do, so much" Zayn whispered softly, his lips were so close to brushing against Liam's forehead. 

"Y-Yo-uu d-o-" A finger was pressed against Liam's lips, stopping him from staying anything else. 

"Don't tell me how I feel, Li. I love you and whatever you think is not going to change that fact. Nothing is going to" Zayn said, he pressed more against Liam's shaking body. Liam couldn't look away from Zayn's eyes anymore, something kept him captive.

"You can't" Liam whispered, his tears finally stopping as his hand pressed against Zayn's chest. 


"You can't because I am ugly. You can't because you deserve better. You can't because I am not what you think I am. I am fucked up, Zayn" Liam closed his eyes again, letting the anger inside him get out through his tears. 

"I want to help you, just let me. I am not here to leave you, Li. I am here to stay so let me. You're beautiful Liam and I want you to see that" Zayn whipered as he laced his fingers through Liam's.

Liam's eyes were back to Zayn's again. 

"O-Okay" Liam didn't know what made him say that but he was glad he did. 


*2 months later*

A small moan escaped Liam's mouth before he giggled into Zayn's mouth. Zayn just grinned as he pulled Liam closer and glued their mouths back together. Zayn held Liam incredibly close, his hands locked around Liam's waist while Liam had his hands pressed flat against Zayn's chest.

Liam pulled away first, making Zayn groan. Liam just smiled as he pressed his forehead against Zayn's.

"I love you" Zayn whispered, his hand moving up to Liam's cheek.

"I-I love you too" Liam whispered, blush crawling up his neck as he hid his head into Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn smiled to himself as he held Liam. He never thought he would ever love someone as much as he loves Liam. Liam was his world, his life, his everything. If he lost him he didn't know what he would do. 

Liam was getting better now. He had gained some weight now so he was no longer all bones. Zayn knew he also hadn't cut since the last month. Things were generally going great for the two of them. 

Zayn just hoped they stayed like that. 

"I really love you" Zayn whispered as Liam pulled out of his neck and smiled at him. 

"I know"

"You're beautiful" Zayn said, his eyes running over Liam's features. 

"N-No. I am not" Liam said. Zayn rolled his eyes and leaned over to press his lips against Liam's earlobe, sucking slightly. 

"You're. Say it" 

Liam never said it but Zayn didn't need that. To him Liam was the most beautiful boy on this planet. 


There you go. That's done. Hope you guys liked it. Like I said before, I loved writing this. It was something I write for myself. (if that even makes sense)

I am sorry if this wasn't exactly normal. I didn't want it to be. I wanted it to have some sort of a edgey story so yeah. 

I will be writing more of these. I don't know when I will start the next one but I definitely will be writing a another one. 

Oh and don't forget to check out "Better than him"


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