Far Away From Home: Chapter 1

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Waking up was difficult. I, Abigail Jones was very difficult/stubborn. You can't blame me, my so called step-mother was very insulting or disgusting... and I had to face her all by myself.

My father and mother died but my mother died first. Before my father died he was married to this disgusting woman I call step-mother. It isn't mean of me to be calling her these things. Just wait and see. You'll want to bite her finger off once you hear her voice and attitude (her fingers are incredibly long so I tried once and it was hard to rush away). Anyway, this morning I didn't want to wake up so I stayed in bed for a very long time. Step-mother slapped my cheek so hard that it was red and so far it's been pink like I'm blushing. I woke up immediately and rushed to the restroom. Our house was clean and big. Yet, I had gotten the room that looked like it was abandoned for years.

She told me "Only worthy children should sleep in good rooms!" except what did she really mean? A child slave or a child that makes a bit of mistakes but is still promising. I brushed my teeth and washed my face adding my rose quartz necklace that my mother had before she died. She was beautiful. I brushed my hair. Just like her I did everything the same and kept my obedience. I placed my toothbrush, wash towel and brush away in a cabinet. Slowly I walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. I didn't want to go down here it was terrifying to see her face everyday but I have to admit her breakfast was 5 star rated to me.

I walked down the last wooden step and slid across the tile floor. I love doing that. Once I reached my seat I sat down. I am very little, even if I am 15 years old. I can barely reach the kitchen cabinets so when I sat down I usually sat on a book. My step-mother came out of her room door and had a pink gown over her pale skinny body following with two pink bunny slippers but she couldn't fit them so her big toe was sticking out of the slipper. She sneered as she saw me and went to the stove and turned it on.

My stomach grumbled and I was thinking in my head 'Stop whining!' my stomach squeaked and it stopped making noise. I giggled that was definitely weird. I heard a cough and focused on my step-mother.

"Abigail, I am having a garden party today. After you eat clean the whole garden and rake. Then arrange the roses to red, black and white. Got that brat?" she informed me in a ugly way. I smiled and nodded "Yes step-mother". This is my chance to see people and actually have someone to talk to!

She cracked two eggs and put them in a pan smeared with butter. After that she took some bacon out and put them in the oven. Soon the eggs were done so she switched the eggs to a plate and pancake batter to the pan.

I was humming a song my mother used to sing. She said if I sung it just right then the necklace would glow. Something about the gem and the light reflecting sound waves. It didn't really matter to me since I'm quite small. Step-mother was done and gave my breakfast on a plastic rose painted plate then sat across me. We ate in silence and once I was done I took my plate to the sink, washing it and my hands then putting my black flats on. I looked back to see if she had anymore chores to be done but there was only silence and quiet muttering. Shaking my hands dry I walked towards the golden garden doors covered in vines. I walked through and gasped.

The garden was terrible.

I'll never be done in time.

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