Reunited With Love

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Okina walking through the field just with so much stress and pain through her both her body and mind , picking up the cottons row by row for several hours . Feet swollen, her tiny hands fury red and irritated, sweat rolling down her forehead and spine.

The family later arrives to the home , Dylan walks in first and stomps up to his bedroom and slams the door and jumps into his bed with his face deep into his pillow.
Rose turns over to Henry and sighs
Rose: You know what I've had enough I think it's time to let my child be, and let him make his own decisions and whatever keeps him happy . I just can't take it anymore seeing be a young child already with so much stress and depression. Let the child be !

Henry : I know what's right for my son I want him to be raised right into a tough young man just like his father. Is that too much to ask for ?

Rose: no ! You're just being selfish and thinking about you wanting everything in your way like this is your world ! When it isn't .
Rose walks up the staircase .
Henry stood there with a distressed expression and sighed shaking his head.

Dylan walked over to the window and saw Okina working in the fields , not as fast and upbeat as she usually does . So he decided to go downstairs and go meet up with her.  Dylan believed it was time for his freedom also for Okinas and he has every right to be with her love her , marry her whatever he wants. It's his life and he can make his own decision

Walking out through the back door he runs over into the wide plantation field hoping to have contact with her . 
He later began calling out for Okina.
Dylan : Okina ! Okina !
He began looking under the bushes and crawling hoping to find her
Okina looks up over the bushes when she hears Dylan's voice  and couldn't find a trace of him .
Tears began rolling down her face , as she began to think she was hallucinating about hearing Dylan's precious voice .
She went back down digging up the cotton
Dylan later rises hope calling for her name again hoping to find her standing .
Okina looks under the bushes thinking Dylan can be there .
Confusion later ran through Dylan's mind
Dylan: I could've sworn I just saw her upstairs through my window .

Dylan looked down with pain and began walking back into the home .
Okina: Dylan ? Is that you I hear ?
Dylan stood with shock and began looking around and ran back into the field not caring which direction he was going he just wanted to see the love of his life.
Dylan: Where are you ? ? Okina !!
Okina : I'm here !! Where are you ?
Okina began running fast as possible too hoping to find Dylan
As the two ran across the field they finally found each other . The both stood there for a second with shock and jumped into each other arms hugging and smiling .
Okina wrapped her arms around him without letting go .
Dylan just held onto her so tightly and love just filled the both of their hearts.
With the two panting and gasping for air after the long run .
Dylan lifted up Okina's head and kissed her on the lip .
Okina began kissing Dylan and looked up to him .
Okina : I missed you so much I love you !
Dylan: I missed you more you just don't understand and we all know how much I love you 💕.

The two stayed in the field together hugging and holding onto each other .
As time flies by Dylan and Okina later turn the age 19 , and their life truly begins .

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