2 surprises

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((As Citizens of America and Negros continued debating and protesting in the topic of segregation and discrimination . President R continued making speech and announcements on handling the situation and finding a solution for all this commotion and bloody problems). Henry gets up from his seat upset scratching his head )).

Henry : Why is he taking so darn long ! He need to hurry his behind up and find a way to stop all these negros from ruining our land with violence .

Rose sits back with her leg up on couch sipping tea rolling her eyes murmuring under her breath .

Okina in field laying down starring into the stars , later feels nauseas and light weighted in the head. She got up and began feeling really dizzy , ran to the nearest bush and began throwing up constantly .

She held onto her tummy  and continued throwing up .

((Okina takes a deep and breath and many thoughts begin running through her mind))

Slave 1 # Okina I see you're not feeling well is everything ok ?

((She wraps her arms around her ))

Okina: I know I've been feeling so dizzy lateLy and throwing up 😪

Slave lifts up her head and stares into her eyes .

Slave 1: you may be pregnant . Are you pregnant ?

Okina : what ?! Well maybe , I think so .

Slave : well you are , you have all the symptoms .

Okina: Dylan ......

Slave: for the masters son , for the white man ??! Really ?! Well God bless you Okina , and I wish the best for you .

((The slaves has a firm face and stumbles back deep into the field ))
Okina later begins bursting into tears knowing that her child will have to either be sold as slave or become an indoor slave due to being half white .
Okina lays down in the field with so much going through her mind nearly having her going crazy .

((Okina holds on to her tummy with tears rolling down her face )) Dylan ....

Act 3 Scene 1

((Their 21st  birthday December 25 was here  and they both had a great surprise for each other ))

Okina was already 2 months pregnant and still haven't told Dylan till the night of their birthday )).

Dylan  walks over Okina in the field , asking one slave to please find Okina.

Dylan looks back up to the window to make sure his Father isn't aware .

Okina walks up to Dylan out of field nervous and just breaks into tears .

Okina: I'm pregnant Dylan ! I'm pregnant !

Dylan jumps into shock

Dylan : what ?! You're pregnant ( he screams in joy )

Okina face turns from distressed to confusion then to a slight smile .

Okina : Yes I'm pregnant . 

Dylan wraps his arms around her holding her tightly and gives her big kiss .

Dylan: I'm happy Okina I love you so much but I have something to tell you too honey .

Dylan gets on one knee and pulls out  a ring .
All slaves with shock walk out of field surrounding the two , with awe as Okina stands there in complete shock her hands covering her cheeks .
Her heart racing so fast due to being so nervous and so many eyes starting at her during a big moment in her life .
Within 15 seconds she nod her head and said yes wrapping her arms around Dylan , Dylan later lifts her up with joy and swings her around and kisses her .
Rain later began pouring all over them in this beautiful scene as Dylan carried her in his arms .
The slaves clap and applaud with joy all except Jomansi who shook her head in disbelief .
Under her breath Mirkosa whispered Okina will find what she's looking for , how can you marry someone son who sold your mother that you never had contact with and walked back in to the field shaking her head .
The father heard so much noise and applaud instantly looked over his window and saw Dylan and Okina and hollered "Dylan" .

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