Morning (A.k.a Breakfast)

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I went to sleep feeling butterflies in my belly!^^
The next morning I was awaken by him.He was playing with my hair and I was really surprised
Jh: What are you doing?
Dh: Oh you woke up!?Goodmorning!!^^♡ *a gorgeous smile appeared on his face*
Jh: Goodmorning is everyone else up?
Dh: Who knows maybe yes
Jh: Then we should head downstairs
Dh: Sure♡♡
I got up and went to wash my face then we headed downstairs.Mira and Daniel were preparing breakfast and Sara was "reading" a magazine until when she saw Daehyun
Sr:Oppa goodmorning!!♡
Dh: Yes goodmorning
Mr: Goodmorning did you sleep well?
Jh: Yes eonnie what are you making us??It smells sooooo good!!
Mr: Ahaha how come you always say the same thing to me when I'm cooking ??
Jh: It's maybe bcause you make the best dishes and also the fact that I'm starviing every time I come here *Hugging Mira*
Mr: haha Okay okay, I'm making some french toast with fries
Dh: Mhmmm it seems to tastyy
Mr: Be patient it'll be done in a while
Then Jajay and May came in the kitchen
M: Goodmorning!!^^ *seeing that Sara and I were there*
Everyone: Morning
M: Jihye eonnie can I speak with you?
I looked Daehyun and Mira and followed May.
M: Can I call you eonnie? It's more convenient this way
Jh: Yeah sure tell me, is sth wrong??
M: Actually yes, eonnie you seem really nice and kind but you should be careful of Sara.Sara eonnie is my best friend and I love her but the things she does are out of mind so please be careful
Jh: Thank you, I guess!?
I was very confussed because I didn't understand why would she say sth like that to me I decided to take her advise and be careful because the truth is that I didn't trust Sara at all.

Daeh. Pov
Why would she ask to talk to my Jihye??And yes I said mine because as from yesterday I confirmed her feelings^^
Sr: Oppa did you think about what I told you yesterday??♡
*Flashback from yesterday's conversation*
Sr: Now that she left we can talk
Dh: Well I don't have anything to say to you so I'm considering of leaving
Sr: Oppaaaa!!>< *grabs dh's hand* Yaah listen to me, I want to talk about our relationship!!
Dh: I don't think there is any relationship between us here!?
Sr: Oppa I know that you feel awkward with me but let's be honest for our feelings..Also that Jihye is always getting in the way!!
Dh: What did you just say???I don't have feeling at all for you!!And Jihye isn't getting in the way, You are!!You are getting in the way of everything so please stop saying bullshit...
Sr: Yaaah what do you mean?Why are you like this with me I've done so much for you!Don't you remember!?
Dh: Don't try to convince me by bringing up our past it doesn't work...
Sr: But...
Dh: No stop...
Sr: Okay but you still owe me an sincere answer I'll hear it from you later...
*End of flashback*
Dh: There's nothing I want to say to you
Yj: Goodmorniiiing people~♡
Dh: Seeing from tour greeting I guess you had a nice sleep
Yj: Yes hyung I did, but I think you slept well too
Dh: Yes I did^^

In the meanwhile
Bn: My Jihye woke up??
Jh: Yah, I should be saying that
Bn: Ahahah okayy, sooo tell me...
Jh: What??
Bn: What happened yesterday??
Jh: Ooh we kissed *blushing from embarassment*
Bn: Whaaaaaaat??Realyyy??Yeeeeeeeeeeees!!!♡♡♡♡♡
Jh: Yaaaah, call down they'll hear you
Bn: Ommo is my Jihye shy???
Jh: Yaah stop teasing><
Bn: Ahaha arasso arasso, what happened after that?
Jh: He said that he wanted to be with mee
Bn: I didn't expect him to be this romantic, Well I'm happy for you!!^^
Jh: Thanks eonnie, now let's go I'm hungry.

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