let her be...

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Daehyun's pov.
I went upstairs to grab my jacket and Jihye's because it was starting to get chilly and I was going to search for her bur when I went into our room I saw her sleeping.I was kind of relieved but also worried about her because of what Sara did and also she hadn't eaten for hours so I went to get some food for her downstairs.When I went up I woke her up
Dh: Jihyeee~ Waake up pleasee~
Jh: *waking up* Ooppa what's wrong?
Dh: You haven't eaten
Jh: I'm not hungry oppa
Dh: Yaaah!! You have to eat!!
Jh: Arassoo
Dh: Did sth happen when you went out?
Jh: No why?
Dh: Really nothing happened?
Jh: Yees waee?
Dh: Aniyaa, eatt~

Jihye pov.
Daehyun woke me up and asked me to eat.I wasn't in the mood of eating but I ate because he asked me to..While I was eating he asked me if anythind happened but I said no because I didin't want him to know that Sara came to me and said random stuff... After I ate I had a shower and we both went to sleep

*The next morning*
Dh: Jihyeeee~ Jagiii~ Ireonaaaa~
Jh: Mhh..Daehyun Morning^^
Dh: Morning beautiful♡Let's go and have some breakfast
Jh: Yeee~
Mr: Moorning guys!!Jihye come with me please
Jh: Yees eonnie
Mr: Yaaa where were you yesterday we got worried
Jh: Aa miann I just had a walk at the beach till late and when I came back I went directly to my room
Mr: Aaaaa is that soo?Is everything ok?
Jh: Yes eonnie^^
Mr: okey theen let's goo~
*at the kitchen*
Jh: Morning guyys
M&Jj: Morning^^
Bn&Yj: Yaaaaaaa!!!Why didn't you answeer our calls yesterday we were worried!!
Mr: Guyys stoop she's fine,leave her alone
Jh: Eonnie it's fiine, guys sorry but I had my phone on silent mode soo I didn't hear a thing and I came back late soo I went to my room directly.Sorry if I worried you
Yj: You worried someone else even more...^^
Dh: Yaah !><
Yj: Ahaha sorry sorry^^
D:Eey eey okeey guuys leave those things aside and eat quickly because we have work to do
Everyone: Yeees Daniel shii~
*after breakfast*
We have already assigned our activities for the day.
We were divided into 2 groups
The first group with Daehyun,Daniel,Bona and Sara had to go and buy groceries and stuff  we needed.The second group included Me, Mira eonnie,May, Jay jay and Youngjae.Our team had clean the house.
The things that we had to do today were in order to see how well we cooperate with people who we don't hang out with.Each team had to take separate notes.Our team did really well we had a really nice cooperation and we actually got to see May and JayJay flirt with each other^^♡
I have to say that even though May is Sara's best friend she's such a cute and nice girl.Youngjae and I did the cleaning upstairs,May and JayJay did the cleaning downstairs and eonnie did the cooking.

Bona's pov.
Sr: We're going to buy these right!!
Bn: Why would we buy those??
Sr: Just cause I want to leave this place quickly and I want them!!
Bn: Do you know that we came here to buy stuff that all of us need??
Sr: Yes and these are the things that I need...
D: Heey you 2 stop it
Bn: Oppaaa~
D: Stoop~We have to take good notes for the project
Bn: Arasso
Daehyun came to me and told me to bear with her for the project...
Bn: Yah are you worried for her now?
Dh: It's not like that...><
Bn: Okey I don't really want to know but let me tell you sth...If you ever make Jihye sad I will hurt you even more...Now let's get this done quickly...
Jihye pov.
When we finished I and Daniel shared the notes we took and I noticed that their team did a lot worse that ours...Bona told me that she didn't get along with Sara but I didn't think that they almost pulled each others hair... ><
D: Gosh you did such a good job it was like babysitting two 5year old girls
Jh: Ahahaha oppa you know how Bona is let me talk to her..

Bn: Yaah I don't want to be in the same team with her eeeeeeeever again
Yj: Baby I won't let you be with her so don't worry..♡
Jh: Yaaah!Don't be like that!You know that I also hate her buut we have to bear with her for the project
Bn: Daehyun said the same thing...
Jh: Really?Anywayy pleasee Bonaaa I know that you can easily pull her hair out but let her be..
Yj: Did anything happen because you're taking her side?
Bn: Yeahh it is really weird
Jh: What is weird...I just want this project to go well and end quickly... I wouldn't have guessed that the things that happened would have happened...

This part doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm trying to get things going,so I hope you enjoy this!!

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