What's wrong?

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What Bona and Youngjae said about me taking Sara's side made me confused...Why would I?But the truth is that I really wanted to know about what is the relationship of Daehyun and Sara,however I couldn't ask either of them...
Dh: Jihye!!
Jh: Yees oppa
Dh: Aah nothing I just want to hear your voice^^♡
Jh: ooo Right?
Dh: Is sth wrong?
Jh: Uhm aanii~
Dh: If you say so because you don't seem fine.Then should we go for a walk togetherr just the two of us?
JUST THE TWO OF US??*blushiing*That wass beyondd what I wanted right at that moment..Jihye keep it cool
Jh: Yeah sure

*while walking*
Dh: Jihye I know that Sara told you about our relationship and I can feel that you feel awkward around me and try to avoid me but...
You cut him off...
Jh: Actually oppa, Sara didn't tell me because I said that I don't care..
Dh: Wait why didn't you let Sara tell you
Jh:Because it has nth to do with me...
Dh: Ommo!I thought you already knew by now..
Jh: Gwenchanaa~
Dh: Noo it's noot!!
Jh:Why are you upset that I don't know..?
Dh: I'm not upset because you don't know, I'm upset with myself for letting you feel uneasy...Sorry Jihyee (sorry for not telling you about what's going on but if you knew you would stay away from me)
Jh: It's okey Daehyun
Dh: Then why were you avoiding me??
Jh: I...I wasn't!?
Dh: Yeah?...
Jh: YES after all oppa am I not allowed to stay away from you from time to time?
Dh: Noooope you have to stick riiiight by my side! He said while hugging you closer to his body
While blushing you pushed him
Jh: Yaaaah!
Dh: Okay okay I'm sorry  what can i do for you to forgive me?
Jh: Hmm??What?
Dh: Will you forgive me? *kiiss*
Jh: Daehyun what are ..? *kiss*
Dh: Just say yees or I'll kiss you again
Jh: But..*kiss*OKEEY OKEYY I'll forgive you even though I don't know why should I though.... i said trying to hide my face from him...
Dh: Ooo you're blushing *me hides face* Yaaah don't hide your pretty face it's cute^^It makes me want to kiss you moree♡Should I do it properly?? I nodded and he kissed me♡♡However I was still feeling sad and curious about what had happened in his past but one part of me knew that if i actually realised what was wrong i would be hurt.Also I didn't want Daehyun to feel burdened or antrying after all we just started dating and already the whole Sarah thing was getting so annoying... but I didn't want him to know. We headed back home since it was getting rather latr and we met with the rest back.

*in the meantime at Yj&Bn's room*
Bn: Yah oppaa do you think that sth is going on with Jihye or is it just me?She seems sad and dissapointed
Yj: So I'm not the only one who noticed right?
Bn: Noo,also she didn't talk to Daehyun a lot today,it seems like she is avoiding him somehow...Do you know anything?
Yj: Hmm I don't really know but I dont think soo I saw them together before.It seems like she has sth going on on her head..That girl always holds her thoughts only to herself as it would hurt her to share a piece of her mind..
Bn: I don't want her to struggle alone you know she's been through a lot...
Yj: I know..Do you think I should tell Daehyun..?
Bn: Only if he brings anything up you guys shouldn't argue about such kind of things

Sara's pov.
My daehyunie hasn't talked to me at all...Even when we were shopping he didn't say a word to me..He stayed with that stupid Boni/Bona or sth...I should definitelly tell Jihye about our relationship so that she leaves him alone..>< I will do anything in order to have daehyun by my side...
M: Eonnie what are you thinking?
Sr:Aaah nothing~
M: Can I ask you sth?
Sr: Tell me
M: Eonnie I like JayJay a lot and today we spent the day together but I don't know how to approach him...Aaaaaah eonnie i don't know what to do I am really a pabo right?
Sr: Aawww^^ My cute May is in love?
M: *blushing*
Sr: Arasoo I'll help you!!
M: Gomawoo eonnie!!You're the sweetest when you want to...
Sr: Yaaah!!^^

*At the kitchen*
Mr: Daniel we have to get everything ready it'll be dinner time soon...
D: Yees jagii *kiss* -JayJay can you help us?
Jj: Yes hyung of course but only if you promise me I'll won't have to deal with that again again!?
D: Hehe arassoooo just come already!~

We gathered to have lunch we discussed about random stuff as always we fought with young jar and bona for the most stupid things as always and then we laughed it all off... When everyone start to walk to their rooms we also headed to our room...
*In our room*
Dh: Jihyee come here
Jh: Wae?
Dh: Just come you'll find out^^ *Grabs Jihye into a hug*
*knock knock*
Yj:It's me I'm coming in please stop the loveydovie things you're doing...^^
Dh: Yaah why are you here and what's with that warning thing?
Yj: I just don't want to see you do weird things...
Jh: ahahahahahaha yaaaaah don't act like that those are the same things you do with Bona?
Yj: Yees yeee's I see you're acting like a smart ass right now I wonder who influenced you like this^^
Jh: I'm sorry to inform you that it was you...
Yj: Yaaaah!I see that you're  finally back to your old self
Jh: Mwo?
Dh: Did my jihye have sth?
Yj: Hyung please come with me *outside of the room*
Dh: Waee?
Yj: Yaaah take a better care of Jihye,she's been through a lot and she doesn't trust a lot of people...She wasn't fine yet she didn't say a single thing in order not to make us worried...
Dh: I didn't...
Yj: I knowthat you didn't notice it that's why I'm saying this to you!!She is a precious person to us because we almost lost her once...Please act more like I don't know her boyfriend..!
Dh: Arassoo!!Don't nag me like this I'm not a little kid...
Yj: You act like one that's why I'm telling you

*Back in the room*
Jh: Heyy you're don..*tight hug*
Dh: Don't talk just let's stay like this for a while
Jh: Aah.......Yeeea....ok
Dh: If you ever feel sad or like crying pleasee tell me,I'll be always there for you to hug you and lend you my shoulder!
Jh: Oppa waee?What's wrong??
Dh: Nothing...Just...Just Please... *kiss*

Jihye's pov.
Why would Youngjae want to talk with Daehyun?And what was that about my right self?Aww here he is
Jh: Hey you're don...
What's wrong with that hug.It is soo sudden and it definitely feels different.. What the hell did Youngjae tell him?....
He is telling me to go to him when I'm struggling?What the heck did that stupid Jae tell him?Owh he's in trouble once I see him...
Jh: Oppa wae?What's wrong?
He kissed me!!But it's different from the other times..It feels sad and loving,I just closed my eyes and kissed him back


Randoom stuff~~I hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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