Chapter 1

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It's been 2 years since I found out I don't belong in the human world, but in a world entirely different... I haven't thought about going back at all. Yet, I still have that nagging feeling in me, constantly telling me I don't belong here, go back. I have promised my mother I will be a good girl, that I won't use my powers to manipulate others, too much. I have been extorting her money a lot lately with my extensive eating habits, poor thing. So I had to turn to my other side, using humans to sustain myself.

Oh, and I've got only two months left to graduation, lucky me.

At the moment I'm getting ready to go to school. With the new principal, Miss Applěgan, the school's dress code has changed and some of the rules. This pretty much makes school less of a drag. I no longer need to count on my cousin, James, for a ride to school thanks to the awesome birthday present my mom bought me. I still wonder where she got the money to buy a Maserati being a nurse at the local clinic and all, but hey. I decide not to eat breakfast this morning; I'm not hungry surprisingly. I walk through the door to the garage and see my mom's white Cadillac parked safely next to my convertible black Maserati. I'm such a lucky girl. I open the driver door and then put the keys in the ignition then start the car. As always, I'm amazed by the wonderful sound of the engine roaring into life. I reverse out the garage and drive to school.

At school I park in my usual spot. No one dares to take it still, and for that I'm grateful. I'd hate to park way at the back of the school. I see Kate, Jessica, Lizzy and Ashley standing across the parking lot waiting for me. These days the guys- Edward, Justin, Beuford, Lucas and my guy Leighton-are standing with them.

I wave to them and walk over to them. The guys all give acknowledging nods and smiles but the girls all hug me. "Aw, thanks you guys! I should stay away from town more often," I say and smile.

"Oh you better not do that, else we won't survive," Ashley says and gives me a serious look but it changes into a grimace almost immediately.

Ashley has dyed her hair black; apparently being the only ginger in school was getting to her. Kate, Jessica and Lizzy all still look the same, though I wouldn't say that about the guys. Kate still has dark auburn hair that reaches her waist and her face is still as cute as it was two years back. Jessica still has mid-length, straight black hair and is still one of the only girls who fits into a size two. Lizzy, the cuddly one- we call her L-Bear- and her multi-shade blonde hair is still in the emo-bob cut. Edward now has punk style hair and he's always wearing some sort of retro outfit except for today. Justin's blonde hair is the same length as always but the tips are crimson red. Beuford's black hair is now purple and has blue highlights in, though he still dresses the same; shirt, converse sneakers, jeans. Lucas has been wearing a lot of Goth lately and his eyes have black eyeliner every day. Leighton though, he's still the same hunk we all know him to be. He's also the only guy with green eyes in our group. I hug him and then just hold his hand. After a few minutes of just chilling and chatting the bell rings and we all head to class. I have bio first.

Shane is already in the class when I get there, "Well, if it isn't the infamous Rebecca Alliston," he says as I sit down next to him.

He still smells like weed. "What have you been smoking lately?" I ask and take out my books.

"Oh, so you're finally interested." He holds out a clear plastic bag with weed in.

"Nahh, no thanks, I'm not in the mood," I say and hold up my hands. He puts the packet back in his pocket and stares at the blackboard.

The teacher comes in then starts placing lab equipment on everyone's tables i.e. syringes, microscopes etc.

"Today we'll be looking at blood, its contents, structure and its cause. Each of you will draw your partner's blood then look at both his/her and your own blood to confirm they see the same. Now some of you might notice a difference in the cells, but that's only because some of you have different blood types... It would help if you tell your partners your blood type," he says and then sits down at his desk and continues reading his book.

I look at Shane as he takes a syringe and tells me to roll up my sleeve. I do as he asked. Then he sticks the needle in my arm at the place where you can see the blue vane the most. The syringe starts to fill up with the crimson red liquid and I just watch. He puts the syringe in the tray then gives me a piece of cotton wool to put on the hole. I didn't need to, since my skin heals itself immediately after it gets hurt, but I put the cotton wool on anyway.

"Your turn," he says and holds out his arm for me to stick the needle in. I hesitantly take the syringe and stick it in his arm. He doesn't flinch, of course. With all the drugs he uses, it should be surprising if he does flinch. The syringe is slowly filling up with his blood. My nose cringes and I just manage to suppress the urge to lick my lips. I really hate some of the experiments we do in this class, especially if we have to draw blood when I haven't had the right kind of meal in over a week, yet I hold my posture and take the syringe and put it in the tray. Shane takes the syringe with my blood and lets out a little of it on a glass disk. I do the same with his. We take our own microscopes then put the disk on it. We turn on the micro light then look into the microscope. I see the little cells floating about in the plasma. They look so helpless, they don't know about the predator only a few inches away from them. I write down on a sheet what I see, and what everything looks like in his blood. Shane does the same. Then we take new glass discs, removing the old ones and letting a little blood get on them. I'm now looking at my own blood. It doesn't look much different to Shane's, but there are a few differences, I have more white blood cells and my red blood cells are also way more, as well as the platelets. The colour is a little darker and the cell structure is different. I'm sure he has put that in his report. I don't care though; there is no indication that I'm not human. I look at my blood through the microscope again. The microscope isn't good enough to show cell content, so I won't be compromised. Everyone hands in their papers then we put away our lab equipment. I feel exhausted suddenly and I fall asleep on my arms at my desk. The sound of the bell wakes me up and I move to the next class. I go through Math sleeping. I now realize I should've eaten breakfast this morning. I wake up again and go to Language class. At least I can talk to someone for a change. Justin and I share a table way at the back of the class. This, if you ask me, is a pretty fair deal since the teacher always has bad breath and he looks like a reject clown.

I look at Justin as he sits down next to me. Our relationship has its days. Sometimes I remember that a part of me wants to be with its own kind, that I still have feelings for him. He's like a brother to me though. We do everything for each other and because we are in ways the same, we know when something's bothering the other.

He's a great guy, even if he can be a total pain sometimes.

"Hey Becca," he says and gives me his Monday smile. He's the only person I know who actually likes Mondays. Sometimes I think he is high, but I know he does not do drugs. I smile back at him. That is how I usually greet him.

"You look terrible Becca," he says after a while of silence. I look at him questioningly. He sighs and hands me his silver thermos. I know he never keeps any water in it though. I smile at him then swallow hard on the contents. The liquid is cold but it goes smoothly down my throat and I feel a million times better. I give the container back to Justin.

"You really need to take better care of yourself," He says and glances at the teacher.

"Can it, Justin," I say and look away from him.

"I'm serious Becca." He pulls my arm and turns me around. I hate it when he pesters me.

"Justin, I don't need you to tell me what to do." I say and cross my arms.

"No, but I have to," he says. He has a point. I know I neglect my needs, but I just don't care anymore.

"Fine," I say and turn around; I don't feel like arguing with him. All my friends know I'm different. They told me. But I don't care. I'm always me. The bell rings for break and I walk out the class to the cafeteria to buy me a pie.

I put my earphones in my ears and listen to the beat of the music till break is over.

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