Chapter 12

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The light reflects off the water. The light comes from the ocean it seems. The purity of the blue light is enthralling to my eye. The coolness of the wind beckons me to its surface. The waves that break ripple in the sky.

The sound of consuming floods of light, I hear from out the sea. Its wild and tempting nature calms the restlessness that infests my heart. Waves of sound and waves of peace pulse rhythmically to the surface of my soul. My soul has found its comparison, a foe that hides his face.


My nose is itching. In my sleep I simply rub it with my hand. Then it starts itching again. 'Must be a fly', I think. I open my one eye to find the culprit. 'Oh, it's just a hand,' I think. Then I catch on, 'Wait, a hand?'

I open both my eyes then turn around on the bed. Daniel is smiling satisfyingly at me. Oh, he is so going to die for waking me up. I start smothering him. He laughs.

"Oh, so you think this is funny?" I ask and punch his arm.

"Yes, very," he laughs. He overpowers me and pulls me toward him.

"Let me go," I plead.

"Never, I love you too much for that," he says as a matter-of-factly. He kisses the top of my head softly, "Good morning, princess," he says.

Princess? Since when did he start calling me that?

"Daniel, are you alright?" I ask, totally confused and concerned.

"Who on earth is Daniel?"

"Why you, of course," I answer.

"NO. You know my name is Nathan," he says and I feel him smiling. If he's not Daniel, then where the heck is Daniel?

"Why did you call me princess?" I ask.

"Because you are the princess," he says the obvious.

"But, I am not the princess," I protest, "How on earth can I be the princess?"

"Your mother is the queen and your father is the king, so that kind of makes you a princess."

"How? I don't understand. What's my name?" I ask in disbelief.

"Selene, are you alright?" he asks. I am not Selene. Who the hell is Selene and where the hell am I?

"Yes I am fine, I was just testing you," I say and look up at him. He really does look like Daniel.

Wait, is he naked? Am I? What the hell is going on?!

I look down, under the blankets and sure enough, we are both naked.

"Don't look so surprised, Selene."

Surprised? No, I am most definitely NOT surprised! I am shocked, unsettled and not to mention confused.

"Selene?" I feel him shaking my shoulders, "Selene?!"

He shakes harder.


"Becca, Becca wake up!"

My eyes fly open. Thank goodness it was just a dream.

"Daniel?" I ask.

"Who else?" he asks then sits on the bed.

I look around the room. It looks like it's a house where one would expect a peasant to live because of the cheap furniture and décor. The room itself is small. There is only one window in the room, but it's very small. The glass is broken.

"You sleep well?" he asks and eyes me.

"I think I had a nightmare," I answer truthfully.

"Do you want to clarify?"

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