My crush

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I was sitting in class while the principle came in and said "hi everyone
this is the new girl Juicy powler.Plz make her feel welcome.She sat at the front of the room while I was at the back and she smelt like roses you see fish have really good smelling sents.Its crazy!After class I went up to her and said you smell beautiful...she said I'm not wering purfume...I quickly relaized it was the weirdo in the corner and she smiled at me creepily so I just nosed and walked on I turned around and I could sense her behind me with me fishy sense .I went to my locker and she was staring at me...I walked home and she was still following me I asked her "what do you want"she said I want to be a fish just like you" I replied with "that's not possible and who said I'm a fish"agh...I ran home and locked the door. She was in my dreams...CREEPY with a capital C...I didn't want to go back to school not knowing she new my real fish identity

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