A mistaken journey

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I lay in my bed thinking about are all humans the same?would
John have killed me and cooked me up for dinner if I didn't grow my feet!?I decided I would head back up and try and find my real parents .I took the first flight to Egypt and landed in the middle of the dessert...I walked of to find myself all alone all I could see was sand in every angle I looked.I was getting thirsty but then I remembered I'm a fish I don't drink so I sprinted as fast as I could and I reached the River Nile.I ran down and shouted Barbra !Are you there.My mom swam out in fear and saw me standing there Benjamin is that you?she asked.I said yes I turned into a human!She said it's the curse of the yellow banded scale you will be like this for 5more years unless you break the curse I have to go bye Benjamin.I get the plane back home

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