Author's Note - Final

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As you've seen from the last "chapter," I have not written in at least 5 months. This is not due to the fact that school is stressful or I like to torture you guys.

It's because I'm not having fun with the characters anymore.

Since then, I've listened to different music genres and I wasn't listening to the same bands I used to.

I still love and respect (almost) every single one of those people I've written about but I'm not engaging with the "fandoms," per say.

To put it simply, I'm not emo anymore. 

If any of you kiddies want to take this story and go forward, step forward and do it! I honestly do not have any interest in completing this.

If no one steps up, then as my friend told me to put it, "they all got in a car crash and had amnesia. They don't remember each other at all. Brendon goes to Catholic school and prays away his sins that he can't remember." 


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