1: Meeting My Destiny

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I look at my food before groaning, my heartache taking control as I sit the bowl of ice cream down. "What's wrong, Karmen?" My older sister, Carsin, asked me as she was finishing putting her prom dress on. I just shrug as a reply, my heart burning, as he comes to mind again.

She groans and places her hands on her hips. "Get a damn dress from my closet and then I'll do your fucking hair and make-up. You are gonna go to my prom and stop being so bloody sad!" My sister shouted and I groaned, but went upstairs and grabbed my favorite dress from Carsin's closet. A dress with dark blue fading to light blue, it was a knee-length dress and I slipped it on before walking to Carsin, my pony tail slipping out at Carsin's pull. I sigh softly as I let a smile slip on my face.

I smile at what she did with light amounts of make-up and a curling iron. My hair was half up, half down, and curled to perfection. I turned to her and hugged her tightly, her smile growing wide and giving me a tight hug back.

"They're here." She squealed and I gave her a look. "Okay, I might have told him to bring his friend?" I glared at her and she laughed. "Come on! This will be the best night of our lives, Karmen!" She smiled and I gave in and groaned, her dragging me out the front door.

We got in the jeep, me sitting by a curly headed boy with cute glasses. That's all I saw from the side. When he turned to face me, I gasped. He was.. beautiful.


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(PS. Ages in this story... Ashton F. Irwin is 17. Karmen S. Brackenridge is 16. Luke R. Hemmings is 18. Carsin D. Brackenridge is 18. Calum T. Hood & Michael G. Clifford are 19.)

I blush when he catches my eyes. "Hello, I'm Ashton, You must be Karmen." I smile politely and nod my head. He looks at my dress and smiles. "That dress looks beautiful on such a gorgeous girl like yourself." My cheeks redden slightly and Carsin sighs.

"Ashton, she hasn't talked in-"

"Pleasure to meet you, Ashton." I cut Carsin off and Luke almost swerved off the road. Carsin and Luke were the only real family I had left so them hearing me speak for the first time since Zach left was surprising.

"Even your voice is pretty." Ashton giggled and I smiled as best as I have in a while.

"Thank you." I laugh lightly.

Carsin smiled back at me and texted me, this being our usual way to make conversation.

Carsin: Wow. You actually talked. You think hes cute, dontcha? ;)

Karmen: Ya, but shh. I'm talking now, and I like it.

I smile at Ashton, before he takes my hand in his. I squeak softly, surprised at the contact of another human being other than Luke and Carsin. He reluctantly lets go but I grab his hand in mine.

He smiles at me and I smile back.

Soon, we were at the place we we're eating dinner at. A Italian restaurant on the other side of town. I get out and Ashton places his arm around my waist as we're walking inside. "Reservations for Hemmings." Luke says and the waiter lead us to two separate tables, both romantically inclined.

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