august 20th 2013

15 0 0

i walk down the street not hearing a sound

its late, too late for me to be out. but he insisted for me to go visit.

i hear something, its very faint but i can hear a *cruck splat cruck*

i spin around and scan the streets, theres someone at the end of the street. they walk with a funny limp.

i hear the same noise behind me and wheel around, there ten feet away is the most ugly man ive ever seen.

his clothes are all torn andd he looks grey, his whole face is sagging. after staring for a few seconds i notice he is covered in blood thats gushing out of a gaping hole.

i run over to see if i can help, but thats when the smell hits me. it reacks of rot and death.

he starts walking towards me and adrenaline kicks in. i run as fast as i can into a near by appartment and go to the roof.

i lock myself up there and destroy all other ways up. but they are all of a sudden on me. slowly tearing my flesh appart. now ill be one of them. a zombie.

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