december 19th

18 0 0

i sit in the middle of the field, I cant remember why im here though.

its cold as the snow falls. it catches on my hair as it dances through the night.

the wind picks up, making a high whine as it tears through the forest that surrounds the field.

there at the other side of the field is a woman, I don't know what to do.

shes on her hands and knees but shes crawling funny, her hair dragging under her all knotted and dirty.

the field smells like decomposing flesh and rot, all the ground is dead except a small circle around me.

they cant get me when im in here. meaning the creatures.

the next i know im in my room. im standing infront of the armoar.

i slowly look up. shes there looking down at me. shes crouched on top. her head at an abnormal angle.

she leaps on me pinning me to the floor as i scream. she eyes complelty gone, only empty sockets remain.

she clawing my flesh making gutteral sounds.

i push her off me and run out the door. i slip and fly over the stair railing landing on my back. then shes on me again.

my peircing scream of absolute terror fills the night. then theres nothing.

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