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Probably one of my favorite pictures of them together 💕🍒. Enjoy xx!

Dedicated to all of you guys reading.


I walk Ricky to the parking lot where all of our cars are kept during the day. It was really nice talking to him.

For over two hours, we talked about countless different topics.

I felt like I've known Ricky for years, although I only just met him at 10:30 this morning.

As we approach what I believe was his car, I heard him say something underneath his breath. It sounded like Please start.

He smiles and gets in his car. I wave at him, then start to walk away. That's when I hear his engine, weak and struggling to start.

"Everything okay Coon?" I ask. He nods and smiles weakly. "Yeah. Everything's fine. Just some car trouble"

"How did you take bring it here this morning?" I ask. He sighs. "Sometimes, there are days when it wants to run. And sometimes it would run once, mainly on the way there. And then once I need to get back, it would do this"

I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket, it was probably Ashley. I probably never mentioned this,

But Ashley is my girlfriend. We started going out after a meeting one spring afternoon.

We've been together for three and a half years. Today's our anniversary, to make it four happy years.

I quickly pull out my phone and respond with a text.

Hey babe, I'm going to be a bit late. I'll cook dinner tonight. I won't be that late. I love you.

She replies with a simple Okay. I was really looking forward to an 'I love you too' I guess she's busy too.

"I can give you a ride to your place if you like. I wouldn't want you having to walk or take the bus in this rain. Plus, it's almost midnight"

He shakes his head. "That would be too much to ask. I mean, you've already showed me around the building"

The rain starts to pour down harshly on top of the parking lots roof. "I insist Ricky. You can just leave your car in the spot you got it in for tonight"

"I'll notify Balz now to tell him to not call a tow truck tomorrow. What do you plan to do with your semi working car anyway?"

"I really don't know what I'm going to do with it honestly" a light yawn escapes his lips. "Come on, I'll drive you. Don't argue about it either! It's happening""

He shrugs his shoulders. "Alright" he says in a sleepy tone. I walk him to my car and open the door for him.

He thanks me and smiles at me before getting in the passenger seat. "Thanks Chris" he smiles again.


I drop him off at the complex and walk him to his apartment, since it's well after 1AM. He thanks me again and slowly makes his way into his one bedroom hibernation chamber.

I smile like an idiot as I realize I'm standing outside his door in the pouring rain. I check the time.


I get back in my car and start to drive to my house. I can't wait to see Ash. I feel kind of bad though. I said I'd cook tonight.

That was at 11:39PM

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