Kind of...FUN dare...

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Me: Hey guys!

Amu: Another Dare?

Me: Well...Dare and Truth...But I suggest we do TRUTH first..

Yaya: Why?

Me: I don't wanna explain...So the question and dare is from

Utau: Who is it for?

Me: The dare is for Amu...

Amu: Great...

Me: The question is for Kairi

Kairi: What kind of question is it?

Me: Oh and a question for me :)

Everyone: Yay!

Me: Kairi, Its an easy question...don't worry

Kairi: What is it?

Me: Which girl do you like the most from all?

Kairi: 😳😳😳 Like? Or Love?

Me: Like and Love is the same in her who?

Kairi: I feel like I answered this..


Kairi: I love you ❤


Me: So who is it...?

Kairi: Just ask everyone else...They know...

Everyone: YUP!

Me: I want your personal answer...

Kairi: YOU also know...You don't have to ask..

Me: But...She does not know...

Kairi: *answers quickly* YAYA! *runs like flash*

Me: Wow...He runs fast...

Yaya: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Me: My question, Can anyone else read this..

Yaya: ME! So... Christina-chi, Who is your favourite boy character?

Me: I have no favourites :)

Rima: Yes you do...

Me: Ummm.... Nope ^_^

Yaya: Ummm YUP!

Me: You know what, Fine but He is not really my favourite...

Rima: You sure?

Me: Well I kinda ship Rima with him ^-^

Yaya: Who Who?

Me: Since my favourite girl character is currently Rima-Chan :D

Rima: Wut?

Me: And That is why I like Nagi :) RIMAHIKO FOR LIFE!

Rima, Nagi: 😳😳😳😳

Me: OK now...The dare....I'm scared...

Amu: Why are you scared when the dare is for me...?

Me: Because...The dare is kind of umm....

Amu: Just tell me what to do....

Me: You have to...try and SEDUCE Tadase and Ikuto


Me: You have to do the dare...No matter how dirty it is...

Amu: NO!

Me: *teleports Tadase and Ikuto* Hey Guys...Might wanna join Amu at her house...

Tadase, Ikuto: Why?

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