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Me: Hey Guys! It's a dare from jannarose34448 again

Amu: I had enough of her dares so Bye! *tries to leave*

Me: Oh no your not! *teleports her back*

Amu: It's for me isn't it?

Me: Suprisingly, No, It's for Kairi

Amu: *sings for the first time in forever*

Rima: Seriously Amu, Frozen, It's Summer and Your singing Frozen songs...

Amu: Ehh... It was the only song I could think about related to this Happy moment

Me: Actually, Kairi has to sing...

Yaya: What song?

Me: It just said sing a song

Utau: Singing! Yay!

Kairi: I do not have a great voice...

Me: WHO CARES IT SAID TO SING THAT IS ALL! Boys!, The Kareoke Machine

Boys: Y-Yes M'am! *carries the Kareoke Machine*

Kairi: When Did You Guys Get That?

Me: Since I knew the dare beforehand, I thought.. We could do a Kareoke! So I asked the Boys to buy one

Kairi: You didn't ask me...

Me: Yes, Because the dare was for YOU! Besides... I paid the Boys to do it and they paid for the Kareoke Machine ^-^

Boys: She paid us Half The price... -_-

Me: Anyways!, We could all have fun with it while Kairi does the dare! After Kairi does the dare, We could all sing along!

Utau: Sounds Fun!

Everyone: We could have just went TO A Kareoke Place...

Me: Nah... Singing at home feels better.. ITS KAREOKE TIME!

Yua: Did I hear Kareoke in your conversation?

Amu: YUA! *runs to Yua and hugs her* When did you get here?

Yua: I am having a little break from performing so I'm here all day... Tomorrow, I go sing in concerts all around Japan and model too...

Me: To make it simple, I invited her just for today, Okay now where's Kairi? It's time to sing

Kairi: *escaping*

Me: You can't escape from me... *teleports him in front of the Kareoke machine*

Tadase: I was wondering... Where did you get those teleporting powers...

Everyone: *starts to wonder*


Yaya: Can I be an Author?

Me: No... You don't have a wattpad account..

Yaya:...I will create one later, then can I become an Author?

Me: Yes, Yes You can... NOW KAIRI SING!

Kairi: This is Amu's song...


Kairi: *sings*

Everyone: *records*

Kairi: *ends the song* Well I'm Done! No more singing for m-

Me: Let's sing along together!, You too Kairi...

Kairi: Fine

Everyone: *sings* *ending* Pyon Pyon, Humu Humu, Yeah Yeah! , Howa Howa, Kira Kira, Yeah Yeah! Tamago wa nani iro? Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Me: That was fun!

Kairi: Singing with Everyone was Fun but singing Solo... not so great

Yua;: I sing solo... It feels nice


Kairi: Ok...

Me: Well That is all! I hope you enjoyed KAIRI-oke day!

Kairi: Wow... Just...

Me: Well We had tons of Fun and make sure to leave a question or a dare for our Shugo Chara cast here! And I do not own Shugo Chara... I only own this book now BAIIIII

Everyone: See ya next time!

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