Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes. Stupid alarm clock. Didn't I throw you out the window last night?!

I groaned in annoyance as the alarm had only gotten louder. My dad always sets the timer and I hate that! Maybe him, too.

I decided to slam the clock quiet. A smile grew on my face as I had the idea of hiding it under my bed, and after I was satisfied, I jumped into the shower.

"Finally,,you're up," my dad replies as I walk out of my bathroom.

I jump. "Oh, my God! Dad!?" I scream, as I'm only in a towel, but he didn't seem to care. Of course!

"I can't drive you to school today, honey, so Ashley will have to." He says while checking the time on his watch.

I groan. "I'd rather walk. I fucking hate Ashley," I mumble.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. Could you speak louder?" Dad says with his arms folded across his chest.

"I said that I'd rather walk!" I exclaim.

"If that's what you want, then." He turns around and leaves my room, and I quickly lock the door behind him.

I hate my life.

As soon as I had finished changing into a new set of clothes, I fix my hair. Then tie both shoe laces and stood up. I was ready to go.

As I was about to leave, I remembered one thing I had forgotten: my ear buds. I quickly grabbed them and plugged them in my iPod.

I walked out of my room as Photograph by Ed Sheeran started to play. God, I love and hate this song so much.

It reminded me of my mom. She was always such a positive person, and everyone loved hanging out with her. My family always told me that I have her looks, and trust me, my mother is gorgeous. I loved her so much.

She would always tell me to follow my dreams, and do whatever I felt like. It didn't matter if I had friends or not; I can do anything alone.

I remember one day her and I were listening Photograph, and she told me to take lots of pictures of family, friends, and even myself, so when I'd get older, I'd have perfect memories. And I did take pictures, but only of my mom and sometimes I was in them, but I mostly took some of her.

I regret that. I regret taking pictures of my perfect mom because she was so beautiful and kind. Now that she's gone, these pictures only bring back sadness.

I tried to blink away the tears, but I couldn't, so I wiped them away with my free hand.

I walked past the kitchen and caught a glimpse of Ashley. Her mouth was moving, but I wasn't going to listen to her ramble. And as I opened the front door, I feel one of my ear buds get yanked from ear.

"Hey, did you not hear what Ashley just asked you?" I hear Dad ask, furiously.

"No, and I don't want to. Bye!" I answered honestly, then was about to continue my way out the door, until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, you aren't going anywhere, young lady, until you answer Ashley."

I sigh as I faced Ashley's horrendous face.

"Charlie, I just wanted to ask you if you- " I was too disgusted to even stare at her for barely three seconds, that I had to turn around to gag.

"You know what?! Just leave! I don't want to hear your garbage right now. Just- just leave already." My dad shouts. "Straighten up your attitude, then we'll talk when you get home."

"I'm not coming back," I smirk as I was only joking, but it did sound like a good idea.

There was no need to slam the front door as I left, I wasn't planning on frustrating my father even more. I just hated talking to Ashley, and Dad can't make me.

As I continued walking and listening to Photograph, my heart sank. It was on the part I hated the most.

Oh you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen, next to your heart beat where I should be. Keep it deep within your soul.

My dad never gave a shit about me when I was sixteen. Yeah, he was there, but he never showed me comfort, support, or love when Mom had died in the car crash. Then three weeks later, he finds Ashley, and doesn't shut up about how much he loved her. I hate Ashley for that.

But what I hate the most about Ashley is that she acts as if she's worth more than gold. Sometimes she tells my dad what to do, and she has this game she likes to play, where she messes with my dad. She fucks up his love, and then the next day she comes back like nothing ever happened, and she always leaves my dad confused.

After Photograph ends, Little Bird starts and a smile starts growing onto my lips.

There are a million reasons why I love Ed Sheeran.


Hello everyone! I'm very excited about this book 😀😀

Ginger Jesus am I right?? 😈😇

If you want, give this chapter a vote. Oh! And go check out my other story, Found You At Last. It's also an Ed Sheeran fanfic, but not as crazy as this one ^-^

Have a wonderful week and I will update as much as I can ♡



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