Camouflage - Selena Gomez

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Dead-end streets and boulevards
You threw in the towel, I broke your heart
But there's a first time for everything
Who would've thought you'd feel so cold
And all these memories seem so old
To think you were my everything

Remember when we'd talk all night
But time ain't easy on us, how can love die?

I got so much shit to say
But I can't help feeling like I'm camouflage
Fortress around my heart
You were mine just yesterday
Now I have no idea who you are
It's like you camouflage

But it's good to see you here again
I don't wanna say goodbye
But it's about half past ten
And I have to catch my ride

Heeii ümeine fluffigen Marshmallows ❤️
Wie gehts euch?
Wollte euch mal sagen, dass ihr mir immer schreiben könnt, wenn es euch schlecht geht oder auch aus keinem Grund, ich freue mich immer darüber!

Habt ihr auch Ferien oder hattet ihr oder habt ihr noch?

Mögt ihr Selena?

Was sind eure Lieblingssänger und Bands?

3k reads!! 😱❤️🎉 Vielen vielen dank dafür! Ihr seid die besten!
xx Jessy ❤️

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