Chapter 2: pop goes the weasel

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You wake up at 5:15 Am because you can't sleep anymore and decide to go on a walk. You pick up your headphones and put them on and start listening to 'Fuckin' perfect' nightcore and head out the door. You see the forest across from the park but you walk to the park anyways and sit on the swing set anyways not noticing the girl with red hair next to you. You put your black hood up and you start to hear 'Pop goes the weasel' but it sounds like its coming from the forest. Out of curiosity you decide to go to the forest and this time without stopping.

?? POV:
I look out my window to see a shadow moving or what it looks like i walk downstairs and out the door to try and find out what it is. After walking for a couple minuets i see the thing in the distance and its moving forward. I let 'pop goes the weasel' play louder to try and make it leave but this thing is persistent...

You hear it getting louder and follow the sound till you can find out what make the sound and starts looking around and all you saw were burnt trees surrounding the area 'but why are they burnt?' you kept thinking.

?? POV:
I decided to take action and pin it to a tree and see that she has a hood on and pull it down showing its a girl. 'wait a girl!?'i kept thinking so i started asking questions. "Who are you and why are you here?" she has no answer so i wait a few seconds and still get no answer."Are you mute or something speak up..." From there i put her on my shoulder and carry her to the mansion. She didn't even struggle which is honestly extremely weird and thats coming from a monochrome clown with a cone nose...Either way i think might help her i don't wanna hurt her or let her go running free either. I'll ask Ben what this feeling is later on but i have to show her my room first....

His shoulder is somewhat soft probably because all the feathers he has on it. Does he think I'm mute I mean I'm quiet but not mute i guess he could think that though. I was unable to talk when he slammed me into a tree so i'll tell him my name later but now where are we going?...

Silent laughter    (laughing jack xquiet! reader book)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang