Chapter 3: Rules?

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You were brought into a huge mansion and upstairs to a hallway filled with rooms. You looked at the other doors and saw a green one with a 'B' on it, a blue one, a white door with red handprints and guessed its blood because i mean a monochrome clown just kidnapped you and brought you into a mansion like that's not creepy at all anyways...the next few doors had different designs and patterns on them. You looked around before being brought into a black and white striped room, as expected! You got put on a pitch black sofa and look at the rest of the room until you hear the clown start to speak,
"Your mute and I want to hear you speak, so i'm going to fix that you'll be here for awhile but there are rules!"

Wait there's rules when first of all you kidnapped me, now your going to 'fix' me when I have no problems! NOW at this moment your setting rules?! okay lets see how this goes..."okay what are the rules?" I ask in a quiet voice.
"oh you can talk.....your just very quiet...I'll see what i can do about that..What's your name?" " (Y/n), what's yours?"
"nice name, I'm laughing Jack you can call me the rules are you will not leave this room or there will be consequences and if you try to escape there will be worse! and don't touch that black chest beside the bed... any questions?" How did he say that so happily? I'll just shake my head no and I guess i won't try to escape?

After laughing jack stops being a freak he goes out his room to make you something to eat, you decide to look around his room because its the only place you can go then you look at the chest with curiosity but push the thought of opening it aside i mean you don't want to have any 'consequences' if i don't know what they are i mean this whole scenario is weird! Jack came back with sandwiches and of course you ate cause hey yolo and if you die your free, but it wasn't poisoned.......

sorry that i stopped posting for a while but now its summer!! I'll try to post way more often if i don't please don't be mad i just might post the next day.......

~ bye Eeeee's

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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