More than a real boy

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She reached for the box on the top shelf, just barely brushing her fingers against it,
'dammit, why would anyone put things this high' she thought to herself.
Coming to terms with the fact she might actually have to get a step stool or ladder to get the box. She heard David approaching and looked over to the doorway which he now stood, staring neutrally at her.
"Would you like some assistance?" She could have swore there was a tinge of concern in his voice.
"Please?" She asked as a response to his question. Smiling politely he entered the storage room and stood next to her, reaching up and grabbing the box with an ease that she was slightly jealous of.
Before handing it to her he asked "This box appears to be 30 pounds. Would you like me to carry it for you to the lab? "  He looked at her coolly, waiting for a response. His voice always seemed so calm and smooth, a quality that she admired about his android build. She nodded slightly, answering him almost quietly,
" to lab C please"  she answered quietly. David nodded politely and stepped out of the room and waited for her to join him. As they both began walking down the corridors David began to try to make conversation,

"So how is your day going Miss" a polite tone to his otherwise monotone voice.

"It's alright. Could be better I suppose" she answer a nervous laugh following. As they reached the lab he set down the box on the counter before turning to her, a simulated look of concern on his face.

"You have seem to be stressed," he grabbed her hand gingerly " Is there anything I can do to help relieve your stress?"
As he finished his words, they trailed off. David noticed an immediate spike in her heart rate. He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, " Miss are you feeling alright?"
A bright pink flush of color covered her cheeks, she pulled her hand back and stepped away laughing nervously again.
"No no, I'm ok" her voice shook slightly and she held her hands up in front of herself, further denying her true feelings. How could she admit to him that she needed physical contact, after having been on the ship for nearly 6 months now and rarely even seeing David, her body had begun to crave a physical touch for some one. When he was near she would feel a warmth growing in her and her heart beat quicken. Her body had started to crave him. She couldn't admit it to him. She had no right to ask for such a thing, android or not.
He stepped towards her, "Please don't lie, I need to know if you're feeling ill." His voice was so smooth and emotionless yet his face had more concern than she had expected.
"I'm not feeling ill at all. I've just" The last word coming out as more of a question.
"If you needed company you could have asked. Perhaps we could play a game of basketball or chess, or perhaps we could watch a movie" he let out a simulated laugh of relief. She almost laughed herself. "I'd be ok with a movie, would it be too much trouble to watch something now. I'm done with my daily tasks"

David nodded "Of course, would it be alright if I picked the movie, I have one that I think you might enjoy" an almost hopeful look came to his face for a moment and then a rather pleased expression replaced it when she nodded her head. He walked with her to the recreation area that had a small, living room sized theater. He chose 'Lawrence of Arabia' from the library in the system. She knew he liked this film but had yet to watch it herself. She made herself comfortable while David brought popcorn for them to eat. She looked to him surprised when she saw him grab a handful and started eating it.
"You can eat?" Her tone was that of curiosity and surprise. "Are there certain foods you enjoy more than others?"
He chuckled slightly and nodded politely,
"I can indeed eat and I prefer sweet foods,such as fruit" she nodded in response as if logging the information internally. David began the movie, and soon noticed that she was rather enthralled with it. He found himself rather surprised this time when he noticed that most of the time he was, instead watching her reactions than the movie itself. Towards the end credits she yawned, thanking him for watching the movie with her. She leaned against him and all but immediately fell asleep.
At first the android isn't quite sure of what to do, for once, but after a few minutes he decided to start moving her ever so slowly to a more comfortable position, he laid her on her back with her head resting on his thighs. At this angle he can see her face clearly, able to monitor her. She hadn't seemed to be getting a correct amount of sleep lately and if sleeping in such a way would help then he was more than willing to stay still long enough for her to nap at the least. He then noticed her face seemed so peaceful. He gently placed his hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking it slowly. Why he was doing such an action, he wasn't able to find a reason, but he enjoyed doing do. When she stirred under his touch he ceased for a moment, she turned her body towards him, and nuzzled his hand. A reaction he hadn't quite expected.

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