Survive part two

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So I just want to put this out there, I probably wont continue this particular instance after this part two just cause I didn't vibe with the way I had written it before. I also edited the last one so that she'd be dressed when the engineer came in. Just a heads up 😅
Also this one is real lengthy...soooo yeah.
Also this will include much rougher sex than before so beware.

As the footsteps got closer and closer her heart felt like it was going to explode. Fear ran through her like a waterfall as he rounded the corner and entered the room. He looked at her and then to David and back to her. He stalked towards her and grabbed her by her arm and lead her out. She could hardly fight him, trying to use her weight to slow him down but he seemed to not notice. The engineer only gripped her tighter as he nearly dragged her away.
They passed several rooms before he angerly opened one and shoved her in, the force of his push causing her to fall to the cold floor. The metal door slid shut and there was a loud locking sound. She immediately stood up and banged on the door, trying to push all the buttons she could to open the door but she couldn't. She was trapped.
She finally turned around and looked around the cold room, an oddly large bed in one corner, perhaps meant for someone of his kind, and a small sink. She refused to use the bed out of some weird kind of rebellion. Instead she sat in the corner of the room closest to the door.
Hours passed and she felt herself becoming tired. But she didn't want to sleep yet. She didn't want him to come in and she be completely defenseless. So instead she sat there and stared at the door.
She didn't know how much time had passed but it felt like it had been nearly two days. Her stomach growled at her to eat, but there hadn't been anything given. She lips begged her to drink the water from the sink, but she was too terrified to turn her back on the door. Her entire body wanted nothing more than to sleep.
Suddenly she heard quick and loud steps leading to her door, her eyes widened and she seemed to try to make herself even smaller. The large being that had locked her in here came in and looked around, at first not seeing her he growled slightly. His sound of anger caused a whimper to unintentionally escape her. His head snapped towards her and he stalked towards her, lifting her easily with one hand he pressed himself into her and growled angerly in her language,
"The robot says you're this true?"
She almost didn't know how to respond so she just nodded quietly, unable to look at his fear inducing grimace. He pressed into her harder and said almost quietly,
"Prove it."
Her eyes found her way to his, trying to search them for a sense of anything besides hatred. She did the only thing she could think of and lip her lip hard, til a small cut was formed, a little trickle of blood trailing down her lips. Her wince of pain apparent to even him.
He suddenly dropped her, falling to her knees, she just stayed there staring at the floor.
He took a few steps back and sat on the edge of the bed. Glaring at her for what seemed like forever, his expression slowly becoming less angry. When he finally spoke she could tell he was trying to calm himself.
"I thought you were also....humans should not be creating...." he struggled to find the right words. "Did you also come here for eternal life?"the last words sounded disgusted as he looked directly at her.
She shook her head and silently answered,
"I just wanted to see other worlds.....I flora..I.." she could hardly form words due to her pure lack of energy and from the fear that overwhelmed her. But it had become apparent that she was someone who studied earth and sought new things to study. Simple. She wasn't a threat. As soon as that though crossed his mind he stood up and left the room. Coming back shortly after with a glass of dark blue thick liquid. Setting it on the small table next to the bed.
He walked over and with out saying anything he scooped her up and set her in the bed. No time to let her fight or respond. He shoved the drink at her and demanded she drink from it.
With trembling hands she obeyed, not wanting to anger him. The liquid was thick but smooth, it glides easily down here throat, the taste all but non existent. A barely sweet aftertaste lingered on her tongue. Her eyes felt so heavy and now there was some thing in her stomach. Her body was gradually giving into her needs, hunger, thirst, sleep. He laid her down and covered her. Letting her naturally slip into sleep on her own. He left the room soon after her eyes closed, not bothering to lock the door as he left.
When she finally woke the room was empty and dim. Her mind was hazy and couldn't register if this was a dream or reality. The reality seeming impossible. She stood shakily made her way to the door. Somehow she managed to open the door, "hadn't it been locked?" She wondered to herself.
She looked down the hallway and headed in the direction of light. Her steps were quiet since she was now barefoot. Small pats of her steps quietly echoed. Just enough for him to hear it in the control room.

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