Chapter 1

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It was raining. It hadn't done that in at least a nox, but feeling the fresh water fall on my dirty skin was so refreshing.

I let out a sigh and started walking again. I had to get back to camp before night fell and right now it was already twilight, the sky being a bright green colour.

Walking quietly to avoid any attention I slowly started to space out. I seemed to do that a lot lately, which was far from good. Suddenly I heard something a few meters away to the right and I was abruptly brought back to the brutal reality.

Slowly but surely I took out my weapon, a sharp blade made out of a magic crystal called Mourir.

Holding the blood red dagger steadily in my hand I focused my ears on the sound, staying alert.

Suddenly a bnook jumped out of a bush, making me breathe out. A bnook wasn't dangerous most of the time, which was good. Relaxing slightly I watched the small creature run away until I couldn't see it anymore. I put away my dagger and started walking home again.

After a while I finally reached the big old tree. Bending down I pulled at one special root while pushing on a spot on the trunk. I smirked when I heard the familiar click and saw the opening. I stood up and jumped down the hole, making sure to close it after me.

Then I walked down the dark and rather cold corridor carrying next week's meal. It was a rather big tem that I killed earlier.

After a little while I finally reached the corridor's end. I typed in the code and entered the huge camp.

Immediately I was greeted by my friend, Mii.

"OH MY GOODNESS! YOU'RE BACK!!! YOU WERE GONE FOR, LIKE, EVER! I actually thought you died this time!" She screamed as she hugged me tightly.

I laughed a little and returned the hug before pushing her off gently. "I won't die so easily, Mii." I said with a wink and a small smirk.

She grinned and then she ran away, again. I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my long and rather messy, black hair. 'I should probably brush my hair later, maybe cut it.' I thought and walked to the kitchen, to give Sen the tem.

But when I entered the abnormally clean kitchen I only saw Tih, which explained why it was so clean. I smiled and greeted her. "Hey Tih, do you know where Sen is?"

Her dark blue, nearly purple, eyes made contact with mine and she said, without any emotion, "She is in the next room." I nodded and thanked her before walking into the other, rather dark, room.

"Sen? Are you here...?" I asked, holding the dead tem in my right hand. It was deadly quiet in the room so I walked back out to Tih, only to be surprised by seeing that she was gone. But Sen was there, standing in front of the stove, probably preparing the next meal. A relieved smile came over my lips and I relaxed.

"Hello Sen." I said and walked closer to her.

"Oh!" She turned around and looked at me with her light blue eyes. "H-Hello, Noè." She smiled nervously until her eyes fell on the tem. "Wow! The tem this time is huuuuuge! Good job!" She said with a huge smile and big starry eyes before she scurried away to take care of the tem, so it wouldn't turn poisoned. It seemed like everything wanted to kill you here.

With a sigh I exited the kitchen and walked down the road towards my house. I really needed a shower right now.

The buildings around me were a clean white colour and in the middle of the camp there was our core, the reason we had energy that gave us light, warmth and other great things. It was also the thing that protected this camp from the creatures around us. Technically you're safe whenever you're in the camp, but you can never be too sure. On Merto it's always the strongest that survive. It's also kill or be killed when you're on the surface. Tough reality, huh? Anyway, I really have to stop spacing out before I get killed because of it.

I reached my house only being stopped once by Eri, who welcomed me back and asked if I wanted any lemons, which I kindly declined. I unlocked the door and walked inside, locking it behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and removed my jacket, hanging it on a hook. I removed my shoes as well, not wanting to make my house dirtier.

Then I quickly made my way to the bathroom, my body longing to finally be clean again. Walking into my bathroom I immediately started to strip down until I was completely naked. My special armour and black underwear were now laying in a neat mess on the white floor while my weapons and my precious headset were carefully placed on the shelf.

I carefully stepped into the tube, turning it on. Feeling the hot water flow over my body was amazing and I nearly moaned. Nearly. But no, I'm not like Eri... Anyway. I took a rather hot shower and used my scented cleaner this time, wanting to reward myself. I cleaned my whole body and felt completely refreshed, even though my hair wasn't having a glorious moment...

I stepped out of the shower with water dripping from my body and messy hair. Taking a towel I started to dry myself off before wrapping it around my hair, silently deciding to cut it tomorrow. I looked at myself in the mirror crystal and nodded, still looking hot.

After stretching a little and cleaning my face I took my clothes and weapons in my arms and walked to my bedroom, still naked. When I finally reached my lovely turquoise bedroom I placed all the items at their own place.

Quickly I dried my hair and put on my sleepwear before falling onto my comfy bed, wrapping myself into a sleep roll with the help of my cozy and warm covers.

Within minutes I fell into a deep sleep, silently praying that I would survive the night.

>End of Chapter 1<
Word count: 1061

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