Chapter 3

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After cutting my hair at Mii's and then having a little chat I returned home.

I opened the big white door and entered my house. I still had some time until lunch so I decided to check up on my weapons; I'm going to need them when I go to the surface tomorrow anyway.

I took off my shoes and jacket and then I started walking down the hall towards my weapon room at the end. To the right I had my bedroom and a guest room and to the left I had my bathroom and living room. Then at the end of the corridor I had one last room, my weapon and training room.

I unlocked the door and went inside, locking it after me.

It was a fairly huge room. Weapons covered one of the walls and a lot of different training things littered the rest of the room. It was a bright room, the walls being white and big lamps illuminating the whole room.

I walked over to the "weapon-wall" and gazed at all my weapons. The weapon's conditions were all from clean and unused to dirty and overused, the most of them in between.

"I should probably take care of them... So they won't break." I mumbled out loud to myself. I took down the ones that looked like they were close to breaking and laid them on a table. Then I walked over to one of the cabinets in the room, took all the things I needed and returned to the table. I was close to dropping everything more than once because I carried too much; but I really didn't want to make that second trip.

I put all the tools and stuff on the table, somehow managing to not drop it all, and started working.

I started with cleaning a green dagger. Using a special kind of "soap" that could easily remove the blood. I covered the dagger in the green soap firstly, then I put it to the side to let the soap do it's job. I took another weapon and covered it in the soap as well, laying it to the side when finished. I did this with all the blood covered weapons.

I looked at the closest clock and nodded, 2 hours until lunch, and about 30 minutes until the soap is finished.

I stretched a little and yawned. I could either clean some other weapons... Or train. My eyes moved between my training equipment and my weapons. With a sigh I walked to the weapons, cleaning some of the easier-to-clean.

After 20 minutes I had successfully covered each weapon in soap. But I still had like 10 minutes left until the first weapons are done.

"I could either train and get better... Or I could sit and space out........." I thought out loud.

And before I knew it, I was already in deep thoughts. My thoughts went all from cute tem's to dangerous blonkz to weird places.

My thoughts slowly processed their way to Sen. Her delicious food, her beauty and her cute personality. Unconsciously I looked towards the clock and shock came over me. How could I have spaced out for so long!!

I flew up and ran towards my weapons, I had to take care of them now or else they'd be ruined! More than 50 minutes in the soap destroys it. Right now they've had about... 47 minutes.

Panic flew over me and I immediately started to wash the soap of my precious weapons. I started with the green dagger.

13 hectic minutes later I had successfully cleaned off all the blood and soap. I sighed and sat down, relieved that I managed on time. I looked at the clock again and noticed that I had about 1 hour left before lunch.

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