Chapter Seven

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-The Same Day-

-Hours Later-

I sat in the coffee shop on Main, staring at the man I was once in love with or so I thought. I don't know exactly, because I was so young and he was much older than me.

We've been sitting here for almost an hour looking into each others eyes. He'll give me an occasional smirk once in a while. My phone has be blowing up with calls and texts from August because I decided I would skip the rest of school and practice. And maybe I'll skip the game.

We say more minutes before he decided to speak.

"So... How have you been?" Darren asked with those beautiful eyes that I once were hypnotized by.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "I've been good. What about you?"

"So so." He replied waving his hand from side to side in a horizontal motion.

"Well you look great." I said giving him a compliment. The old Darren that I knew didn't have much but now three years later seems to me that he has done better for himself.

"Yeah I got a job sometime back in an office as an assistant writer, now I'm like the head boss in charge after my promotion." He said smiling which made me smile as well. I was proud of the things he was doing for himself.

"That's great Dare." I beamed calling him by his nickname I gave him that kinda slipped out. I saw his facial expression and I realized what I said, I looked down at my coffee cup. "Sorry," I muttered embarrassed. I toyed with my fingers over the table. He placed his hands on mine. I looked up at him as he smiled. I felt my cheeks get hot. As I looked in handsome face. I felt so girlie again but something in me kept my focus on August and his soft smooth skin, with his simple that was so sexy to me, and his low penetrating eyes that gazed down at me. I shook the thoughts when I heard Darren speak.

"There's no need to be embarrassed Ava. There are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I want to say but I don't know how. I first want to say that I'm sorry for leaving you in the state you were in and I should have came back for you sooner." He said. I could feel that lump in my throat and the tears building in my eyes. Why was I so emotional. These past weeks August has changed me. I'm not as cold as I once was when I met him and now I'm... Happy.

I removed my hands from his. I knew exactly what I had to do and I was not going to regret doing it. Life isn't a fairy tale. It's not all rainbows and roses. This is real. Real life and I have to write my own destiny, not wait for something to happen that I could have prevented.

"Darren, I'm not going to lie and say that I haven't missed you because I did. But that's the key word for me. I did. I have learned to cope with my feelings. Yes I love you, I always have because not only were you my boyfriend but you were my bestfriend. But you have your life now and I want you to continue living it. Just without any ties to me." I said. He looked at me for a moment. His eyes showed hurt and pain but they also showed understanding.

"I understand. I just want you to know that I never stopped loving you. And no matter where we are in the world will you promise me something?" He asked and I nodded.

"Promise to call me if your ever in trouble or if you just need a friend." He added.

"I-I will," I croaked as tears fell. He stood up and walked over to me. He looked down at me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, nose, and then planted a gentle goodbye kiss on my lips.

I watched him walk to his car with his head held down. He got in his car and he drove away. But this time I wasn't sad, mistreated, or unloved. I was happy. I smiled to myself and looked at my caller id seeing that it was August calling me once again. This time I answered it.

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