Chapter 1

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The snow was falling down, completly covering the town of Arendelle, and althought not everyone could see it, in one of the trees of the park, Elsa was sitting in a branch, looking at all the people playing in the snow, when suddenly she heard a voice callimg her name, and when she turned around to see where the voice came from she discovered that it came from no other than Jane Bennette who was waving at her from her bedroom window. As soon as Elsa saw her she smiled and made her way to her.

"Hey Jane", she said when she reached the window, and then Jane hugged her.

"Where have you been? It's been so long", she said.

Jane was really special for Elsa, after all she was her first believer, and every time Elsa looked at her she was reminded of her little sister.

Just ehen she was about to respond to Jane's question someone came into the room; it was Sammy, her little brother and Bonnie's favorite boy.

"Elsa!", he exclaimed when he saw her "And Bonnie? Hop hop!"

"Sorry kiddo, bu Kangaroo couldn't come", she smiled at him.

"Jane! Your friends are here!", Jane's mom yelled from downstairs.

They rushed down to see Claudia, Callie, Peter, Monty and Cake waiting for them so that they could go play, Jane and Sammy were almost outside when their mom stopped them to put on their hats.

"Don't forget your hat, you don't want the Snow Queen to freeze your heart", she said.

Only Jane seemed to notice how Elsa flinched when she said that and wondered why. After that they went out to the park and started a snowball fight, needless to say, Elsa won. During the whole time she noticed how Jane and Peter were acting with each other and couldn't suppress a small smile 'Aww, young love', she tought.

Then she felt something pulling the sleeve of her hoodie and she looked down to see it was Sammy.

"Do you want to build a snowman?", he asked.

She nodded her head and smiled at him and when the other kids saw them they started to build their own snowman. Just when she and Sammy finished their little snowman she looked up to see the Northen Lights, signaling that Nora was calling them. Jane turned to her and realized what was happening.

"You have to leave?", she asked saddened.

"It looks like it, but don't worry I'll be back before you know it", after that she flew away to the workshop.

After a while she reached the workshop and Phillie took her to the Globe room where Nora was, when she saw Elsa she sent her a smile but Elsa could see how worried she actually was, but decided to wait until the others arrived to ask about it, so inteaf she smiled back.

"Hey Nora, nice to know that now the yetis are not watching my every move whenever I come", she said ehile watching the yetis work.

Nora chuckled "Yes, but don't worry you still hold the record on the naughty list", she said making Elsa laugh.

Just then a hole appeared on the floor, and Bonnie came out of it, not looking very pleased about coming to the North Pole; she was shivering and rubbing her arms trying to get warm.

"Oh, what's wrong? Is the little bunny cold?", Elsa mocked her.

Theo and Sandra came through the window, stopping Bonnie from saying something to Elsa. But something was different; the usually cheerful tooth fairy had a grave face looked really sad about something.

"Good, now that we are all here, I wanted to tell you that I think we should be on our guard", Nora said.

"What do you mean?", Bonnie asked.

"Something is going to happen, I feel it, in my boobs", she responded very seriously while touching her chest.

What they didn't expect was for Theo to agree with her.

"She's right", he said sadly.

"Theo, what's wrong?", Elsa asked concerned.

"Some of my fairies disappeared, and every day more of them are going missing, and I don't know how or why"

After hearing this, Sandra used her dream sand to ask if it may be Pritch Black.

"I don't think is Pritch, she did this before and failed, so why would she do that again?", Bonnie said.

"Guys, we shouldn't jump to conclutions, we should just keep an eye out and inform the others if we see anything strange", Elsa said.

"Elsa is right, we need to-", Nora was interrupted when suddenly a blinding light came out of nowhere. There was a lot of noise coming from it, there was what sounded like men yelling and some girl's shrieks, the wind also started blowing violently. They got into a fighting stance, they didn't know what was going on, but had to be prepared for anything.

Elsa closed her eyes, the light was getting brighter every second, and the wind was getting stronger, it was so stron Theo had to stop flying so that he wasn't blown away. The voices were also getting louder. When suddenly as if nothing had happened, everything stopped.

Elsa opened her eyes, and when she did, she was met by a pair of icy blue eyes.

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