Chapter 2

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To say that Elsa was shockedwould be an understatement, ome moment she was talking wih her friends and the next there's a blinding light and suddenly there's a boy standing in front of her. She looked to her left at the same time the boy did, and was received by an even stranger scene. All her friends were in a fighting position just like her and standing in front of them were three men and a girl that looked exactly like them. She turned back to the boy; he was handsome, with messy white hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a blue hoodie with frost in the edges, brown pants and was carrying a staff exactly like her own.

He looked just like her.

She and her friends backed away so that they could be closer to each other.

"Who are you?," Nora said angrily while pointing her swords at the strangers.

They started to lower their weapons and dropping their fighting positions, but Nora, Elsa, Theo, Sandr and Bonnie weren't going to take any risks.

"Who do you think you are? And what are you doing here?" Bonnie questioned, just as angry as Nora.

The strangers were starting to get into a fighting possition again. Elsa noticed this and made a sing to her friends. A second later she made a snowball in her hand and threw it at the strangers, and it created a cover of fog when it exploded.

The girls and Theo then started fighting against them and a few seconds later the fog cleared, and it revealed that Elsa had the white haired boy pinned under her with her staff against his neck and Bonnie in he position as her pointing her boomerang at the other giant bunny; Nora cornered the giant man with her swords, Sandra had he other sand guy tied wih her whip and Theo had the girl in a headlock.

"Now tell us who you are and what are you doing here?" Elsa asked the boy.

Hen another light appeared in the room and disappeared a second later.

Ther stood a man and a woman, both with white hair and gray eyes.

"Manny/Luna," Nora and the man that looked like her whispered at the same time, both of them looking shocked.

"Girls, Theo let them go," Luna told them.

Thy looked at her as if she was crazy, but after a moment of comsideration, they wearily did as she said.

"Manny/Luna, what's going on?" Elsa and the white haired bou asked.

"They are he Guardians, and they were brought here because something terrible has happened," Luna said to them.

"Okay, two questions:what has happened? And what do you mean by Guardians? Last I checked, we are the Guardians," Bonnie said.

"No, we are the Guardians, sheila," the other bunny said.

"What did you just call me?" Bonnie asked threatenenly and Elsa and Nora had to hold her back.

"Stop right now!" Manny yelled. "They are Guardians, just not in thia world, in their own universe they aee like another version of you."

"And we have brought you together vecause it appears that Pitch and Pritch discovered this and are working together," Luna said.

A question mark appeared on top of the head of the two sand beings.

"We are not sure how, but what we do know is that they can only be stopped if all of us work together," Manny said.

"Do all of you understand?" Luna asked and everyone nodded their head silently.

"Then I guess is tme for introductions,"she continued.

"Nora this is North, North this is Nora,"they both just stood quietly and shook hands.

"Bonnie meet Bunny, Bunny meet Bonnie," they just crossed their arms and gave an aknowledging nod while glaring at each other.

"This is Sandra and he is Sandy," Sandra smiled kindly and waved and Sandy waved back with a dreamy smile on his face.

"Theo his is Tooth, Tooth meet Theo," they wved excitedly to each other.

"And finally Elsa this is Jack and Jack this is Elsa," when Luna pulled them together their shoulders touched and Elsa felt a tingling sensarion going through her arm and she couldn't help but stare at his eyes, but when she did, she wasn't prepared for what she saw in them.

As soon as she looked into his eyes, she just couldn't take it and she ran away and into Nora's office, and she heard her friends calling her and telling her to come back but she ignored them.

Elsa was inside the office and she heard hee friends coming in but she didn't do anything, she just stayed there.

"Elsa, are you allright?" Theo asked her, but she didn't answer.

"Elsa, what happened? Why did you run off like that?" Nora asked her trying to get her to say something.

She just stayed quiet again, and after a few moments she finally started to talk. "It's just that, you know that I used to have a sister back when I was human," they nodded. "When I looked into his eyes I felt like all those memories that I got back were overwhelming and I just couldn't take it."

Sandra started maki g sings, trying to comfort her and Nora decided to say something.

"Elsa, we do not know the full story of eho you were and your old life, but we do know that you've been through a lot and that's how we know that you are strong enough to get through this," Nora said.

"And besides, this time you have us," Bonnie continued.

"Thanks guys," Elsa said.

"You're welcome," Theo said. "Now, let's go and get this whole mess over with."

When they came out Lu a seemed to be explaing somethig to them and stopped when she noticed them.

"Is everything in order?" she asked them, but most specificaly, Elsa.

"Yes, everything is fine," Nora answered for them.

"Well, for now, we think that you should get to know each other better, we'll be back later to talk to you," Manny explained and he and Luna vanished.

Theo inmediately went to the boys while Tooth went with he girls, and they could see Theo talking excitedly wirh Jack and Bunny.

"Hi! I'm Tooth," ahe greeted them happily. "It's so nice to have other girls around, you can't imagine what it is lime to be only with boys all the time."

"Wow, how can you live like that?" Bonnie asked simpathicaly and Elsa smiled at her.

Tooth suddenly gasped and dived towards Elsa's mouth so she could look at her teeth.

"Oh my Goodness! Rhay sparkle like freshly fallen snow! They might be even whiter than Jack's," Tooth said excitedly while looking at them.

Elsa pried her hands out of her mouth while Bonnie tried to stifle her laughter.

"Hey, why don't we get out of here for a moment? We could go to my place," Elsa sugested.

"Sure, why not?" Bonnie answered while Tooth just nodded.

"All right. Nora we are going out, call us if anything happens!" Elsa said and then took off with Tooth while Bonnie used her tunnels.

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