Chapter 3

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After flying for a while they reached a snowy mountain taht was in a forest near a city, and in the top of that mountain Tooth was amazed by what was there. It was a majestic palace but that wasn't the most unbelievable part, it was that it was made entirely of ice. They landed on the top of the staircase and a few seconds later Bonnie popped out of a hole and almost slipped on the ice.

"Wow, you really live here?" Tooth asked, amazed.

"Yeah, I made this palace a long time ago," Elsa said, remembering the day she ran away and created this place.

"It's beautiful."

"I'm just glad is not so cold on the inside," Bonnie said.

They stayed there talking for a while and getting to know each other better; then Elsa saw a figure whose reflection showed on one of the walls. Elsa saw that Bonnie also noticed this and was smirking, but those three weren't the only thing Elsa saw. Just as they seemed to be getting out of their hiding place, the fourth figure approached them.

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs," it said.

They heard some screams and they came stumbling from behind the wall. And the girls were laughing at the reaction Theo, Bunny and Jack had when they saw the little snowman.

"Wow, I can't believe you got scared by little Olaf," Elsa said, not bothering to hide her laughter, in that moment, Olaf came out too.

"What the bloody hell is that?!" Bunny exclaimed.

"Seriously? I got scared by Olaf? Why can't I ever prank you?" Theo said disappointedly.

"It's a talking snowman," Jack said, dumbfounded.

"And wait 'till you meet Marshmallow," Bonnie said smirking.

"It's a talking snowman. How is that even possible? I've never been able to do it," Jack said again. Still shocked.

"Elsa made me! She made me, Marshmallow, the Snowgies and this palace," Olaf explained.

"Really? That's impressive," Jack said, smiling at her.

"Snowgies?" Tooth asked confused.

"It's a long story," Elsa, Bonnie and Theo all said at the same time.

"Hey, look," Tooth pointed towards the window where they could see the Northern Lights, so they all took off towards the workshop. When they got there North, Nora, Sandra and Sandy were standing in front of the globe and looked worried about something.

"Nora what is it? What's wrong?" Elsa asked, and all of the other guardians looked surprised that she was so serious.

"Take a look at this," she said and pointed to the globe.

All the lights were still shining, but in one place they were starting to flicker: Arendelle.

"Arendelle?! Pritch is in Arendelle? Then why did you call us back, we were already there!" Elsa said in a hurry and she seemed to be really worried, she started to leave. "What are all of you waiting for? Let's go!"

They went to where the sleigh was kept and took off, and after traveling in silence they arrived in Arendelle. When it came into view, the city was full of nightmares.

"All right, this is what we'll do: we divide into five groups, everyone with your pair; Tooth, Jack, Sandy, Elsa, Sandra and Theo will take care of the ones in the sky and we will take the ones on the ground," North explained, everyone nodded and went their separate directions


Bonnie and Bunny were jumping on the rooftops throwing their boomerangs at the nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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