Kiss Kiss

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Jane and Sebastian we're walking around one snowy night. Sebastian's long trenchcoat was flowing in the wind. Jane had only a jacket and was shaking and looked freezing. They noticed an old woman about in her eighties she was looking for something. Jane looks at Sebastian and she decides approach the old lady and ask her what's wrong. "Hello, are you okay?" Jane asks in a shaky voice. The old lady continues to look around for what seems like another two minutes. Then she looks up at Jane and explains that she lost her dog FiFi and that her name is Evelyn. Evelyn looks at Jane terrified "please find FiFi she's all I have." Jane walks back towards Sebastian and explains the situation. "Let's go find her dog". Sebastian says well making a hand motion in the direction ahead. They drove to a church up ahead Sebastian stops in his tracks and looks at a kiss mark on the church door. " Give me some of your lipgloss or something." Jane gives Sebastian an awkward look "why the hell do you want lipgloss?" Jane says. Sebastian smirks " don't question me." Jane looks through her purse and pulls out a tube of Chanel lipgloss and tosses it to Sebastian. Out the corner of Jane's eye she can see a small purse dog strutting down the road. FiFi!! They both shout well chasing down the dog. "I got this now watch we work." Sebastian says while tugging his collar in a cocky manner. Sebastian kneels down and calls FiFi. "Wow you still look like a giant even while your kneeling." Jane says. The dog slowly approaches Sebastian and sniffs his hand. Jane drops her purse and turns to pick it up. OUCH! Jane spins around to see Sebastian holding his hand. "Let me try something Sebastian." Jane kneels she starts rummaging through her purse and pulls out a bag of dog treats. "Why do you have dog treats you don't even have a dog?!" Sebastian says. Jane gives him an annoyed look then calls FiFi. The dog approaches in a calm manner eat the treat then jumps into Jane's arms Sebastian dusts himself off. "Jane take the dog back to the lady I'll wait here. Jane buckles FiFi in the passenger seat and starts taking off down the road. She arrives at Evelyn's house and knocks a tall older man about in his 50's with really greasy hair opens the door. "What the hell do you want!" Jane gulps "I-is Evelyn here sir?" The old man looks at Jane in confusion. "Evelyn she died five years ago." He started to look pale he mumbled something to himself. Jane realized what was going on she seen a ghost of the lady she had a conversation with. Jane holds out FiFi and the older man puts her inside. He does a hand motion for her to enter she tells herself to stop but her feet have a mind of their own at this point. "Why did you ask for Evelyn?" Jane wanted to tell him she seen her ghost but felt like it would cause trouble. "I thought this was still her address." The man seemed like he wanted to know more but decided not to question it. "How old are you anyways you look way to young to be walking around at midnight dropping off people's dogs." Jane looked surprised at his question but willingly answered. "I'm sixteen and my parents don't really mind as long as I'm not getting into trouble I should be going now." The man got up and opened the door Jane drove back to the church to see Sebastian sitting on the sign tossing rocks. "What took you so damn long." Jane eyed him. "Problems."

-Ten years later-

"That's how me and Sebastian started our mystery solving business." The therapist writes on her notepad. "Well your times up for the day I'll see you tomorrow at six."

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