Vale Jones

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Jane sits on her bed half awake arguing if she should get up or not. The maid barges in the room carrying hot towels in her hands. Jane came from a wealthy family but she hated it she wanted to feel normal for once. Jane lazily throws clothes on and stumbles to the elevator. "Young lady we don't walk like slobs straighten your back." Jane's mother yells as she stumbles out the elevator door. "Karen you are being to hard on her." Jane's father says. Jane's parents start arguing really loudly making the staff nervous. Jane's father Stan was CEO of a popular energy drink company and her mother Rose was a police officer they we're two different people. Rose was more strict in her mind Jane is supposed to be her perfect daughter. Stan is calm but stressed out he is always working and when he's not working he's working from his iPhone. Jane goes upstairs and grabs her laptop. I should log in and see what my mom's working on. She sneakily logs on to the police website and looks around. She scrolls to the most recent case.
Vale Jones, 67 stabbed to death murder weapon thrown on floor and body found on bed. "I bet me and Sebastian can solve this I'm tired of my mom thinking I can't do anything right I'll show her." Jane throws on her winter coat and sneaks pasts the maids she leaves the house. She walks to the crime scene everybody left and only the caution tape remains. Jane puts on gloves and opens the door to the bedroom. She pulls out a notepad and writes down the position of the body and looks for any clues the cops might have missed. She finds a ripped off fingernail in the closet. "That's fucking disgusting." She places it in a bag and walks out. In the distance Jane sees a man in the bush spying on her. Jane walks towards the man and he takes off running through an ally nearby. Jane becomes paranoid and drives home. She runs into her bedroom and locks the door she dials Sebastian's number. Sebastian WAKE UP!!! We have a case!

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